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nucularmoo edited this page Jun 25, 2018 · 3 revisions

Context Properties (P0 | 1h)

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Objective: Exposing data from C++ to QML as properties

Tino: It should be emphasised from the beginning that typically data (and functions) are provided fro C++ to QML and not vice versa, even though it is technically possible. Of course, in this session we do not even try to access any QML stuff from C++


  • What is a property?
  • How a property is identified in QML?
  • What are value types?


  • What is a context in QML?
  • How to access the root context?
  • How to create a sub-context?
  • When a sub-context is created?
  • How properties are accessible in the context?


  • How does ListView give the index property to delegates?


Course material content

Instructions and description for the exercise of the topic

Exhaustive reference material mentioned in this topic

Further reading topics/links:

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