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Topic reference page

nucularmoo edited this page Mar 27, 2018 · 1 revision

Topic reference page

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Objective: OBJECTIVE

Objective of the topic is written out here


This page includes the outline of the material relevant for this particular topic of learning in the form of questions asked on three levels (Beginner, Intermediate, Expert). The course material will focus on answering the Intermediate questions as those are the main point of what this course is set to teach the student. The Beginner and Expert questions are to help to draw the outline of where the relevant point of the material ends and where it begins.


  • Beginner questions go here


  • Intermediate questions go here.


  • Expert questions go here


  • Omitted questions go here - in case we want to revisit them they should not be forgotten

Course material content

This section includes specifically the content of the material of the particular topic in a way so it can in the future be exported into the actual course page. The content is divided into relevant subtopic.

Instructions and description for the exercise of the topic

This section includes a description for the relevant exercise, as well as the instructions for the student related to completing the exercise.

Exhaustive reference material mentioned in this topic

In some cases under some topics there would seem to be introduction to exhaustive reference material which may be of use for the student later. These may benefit from being emphasized within the topic or stored on a separate linking page.

Further reading topics/links:

We also wish to include possible "Further reading" links relevant to the particular topic so that students who find them interesting may delve in deeper. Mainly these are topics related to the "Expert" questions that may be out of scope for the course, but prove themselves useful for students interested in such matters.

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