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nucularmoo edited this page Feb 26, 2018 · 18 revisions

Here are our plans and outlines for the Qt Mooc course materials.

Introduction - Introduction to the course

  • Everything required for starting the course
  • Workspace setup
  • Documentation
  • Help channels
  • Workflow introduction
  • Course tools introduction

Week 1 - Qt Essentials

  • Introductory topics
  • Short basic assignments that account for 50%ish of the assignments of the week
  • One bigger assignment completed step by step trough implementing the required topics of learning from Week 1 resulting in a complete application

Week 2 - Qt Quick UI:s

  • User Interface creation using Qt Quick
  • Short basic assignments that account for 50%ish of the assignments of the week
  • Part 1/3 of a bigger assignment completed step by step trough implementing the required topics of learning from Week 2.
    Parts 2 and 3 will be completed during weeks 3 and 4.

Week 3 - Data-centric Apps

  • Manipulating and presenting data using QML
  • Short basic assignments that account for 50%ish of the assignments of the week
  • Part 2/3 of a bigger assignment completed step by step trough implementing the required topics of learning from Week 3.
    Part 1 was completed during Week 2.
    Part 3 will be completed during week 4.

Week 4 - C++ and QML

  • Combining C++ with QML
  • Short basic assignments that account for 50%ish of the assignments of the week
  • Part 3/3 of a bigger assignment completed step by step trough implementing the required topics of learning from Week 4.
    Parts 1 and 2 were completed during weeks 2 and 3.

Week 5 - Inter-Process Communication and Multitasking
Week 6 - Application Engine
Week 7 - TBA

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