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François Févotte edited this page Aug 19, 2015 · 1 revision

With this hydra, you can press C-x ` as usual to go to the next compilation error. Subsequently, you can use h, j, k or l respectively to navigate to the first, next, previous or last error.

(defhydra hydra-next-error
    (global-map "C-x")
Compilation errors:
_j_: next error        _h_: first error    _q_uit
_k_: previous error    _l_: last error
    ("`" next-error     nil)
    ("j" next-error     nil :bind nil)
    ("k" previous-error nil :bind nil)
    ("h" first-error    nil :bind nil)
    ("l" (condition-case err
             (while t
           (user-error nil))
     nil :bind nil)
    ("q" nil            nil :color blue))
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