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Oleh Krehel edited this page Apr 11, 2015 · 3 revisions
(defun my/name-of-buffers (n)
  "Return the names of the first N buffers from `buffer-list'."
  (let ((bns
         (delq nil
                (lambda (b)
                  (unless (string-match "^ " (setq b (buffer-name b)))
    (subseq bns 1 (min (1+ n) (length bns)))))

;; Given ("a", "b", "c"), return "1. a, 2. b, 3. c".
(defun my/number-names (list)
  "Enumerate and concatenate LIST."
  (let ((i 0))
     (lambda (x)
       (format "%d. %s" (cl-incf i) x))
     ", ")))

(defvar my/last-buffers nil)

(defun my/switch-to-buffer (arg)
  (interactive "p")
   (nth (1- arg) my/last-buffers)))

(defun my/switch-to-buffer-other-window (arg)
  (interactive "p")
   (nth (1- arg) my/last-buffers)))

 (defhydra my/switch-to-buffer (:exit t
                                :body-pre (setq my/last-buffers
                                                (my/name-of-buffers 4)))
_o_ther buffers: %s(my/number-names my/last-buffers)

   ("o" my/switch-to-buffer "this window")
   ("O" my/switch-to-buffer-other-window "other window")
   ("<escape>" nil)))

Pressing C-o activates the hydra with names of the first 4 most recently visited "other" buffers listed:

  • A single o switches to the first buffer in that list, same as what M-:(switch-to-buffer (other-buffer)) would do. In other words, you can quickly switch between two buffers back and forth with C-o o.

  • Prefixed with a numeric prefix, say, 2 o, selects the 2nd buffer from the list, 3 o selects the 3rd, ... Negative prefixes and the numeric prefix 1 are same as no prefix - all select the first buffer.

  • O does the same as o except that the buffer is switched in the "other window" - i.e. by switch-to-buffer-other-window.

In practice, this hydra usually can have more heads to call, for example, ido-find-file, ido-switch-buffer, etc.

If you don't need to visit buffers in the "other window", a variant of this hydra can be:

 (defhydra my/switch-to-buffer (:exit t
                                :body-pre (setq my/last-buffers
                                                (my/name-of-buffers 4)))
other buffers: %s(my/number-names my/last-buffers)

   ("o" (my/switch-to-buffer 1))
   ("1" (my/switch-to-buffer 1))
   ("2" (my/switch-to-buffer 2))
   ("3" (my/switch-to-buffer 3))
   ("4" (my/switch-to-buffer 4))
   ("<escape>" nil)))

Then C-o 1 selects the 1st buffer, C-o 2 selects the 2nd, and so on, and still retain the quick C-o o.

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