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PDF Tools
joe di castro edited this page Apr 20, 2015
1 revision
(use-package pdf-tools
:ensure t
(setq-default pdf-view-display-size 'fit-page)
(bind-keys :map pdf-view-mode-map
("\\" . hydra-pdftools/body)
("<s-spc>" . pdf-view-scroll-down-or-next-page)
("g" . pdf-view-first-page)
("G" . pdf-view-last-page)
("l" . image-forward-hscroll)
("h" . image-backward-hscroll)
("j" . pdf-view-next-page)
("k" . pdf-view-previous-page)
("e" . pdf-view-goto-page)
("u" . pdf-view-revert-buffer)
("al" . pdf-annot-list-annotations)
("ad" . pdf-annot-delete)
("aa" . pdf-annot-attachment-dired)
("am" . pdf-annot-add-markup-annotation)
("at" . pdf-annot-add-text-annotation)
("y" . pdf-view-kill-ring-save)
("i" . pdf-misc-display-metadata)
("s" . pdf-occur)
("b" . pdf-view-set-slice-from-bounding-box)
("r" . pdf-view-reset-slice))
(use-package org-pdfview
:ensure t))
(defhydra hydra-pdftools (:color blue :hint nil)
Move History Scale/Fit Annotations Search/Link Do │ PDF Tools │
^^_g_^^ _B_ ^↧^ _+_ ^ ^ [_al_] list [_s_] search [_u_] revert buffer
^^^↑^^^ ^↑^ _H_ ^↑^ ↦ _W_ ↤ [_am_] markup [_o_] outline [_i_] info
^^_p_^^ ^ ^ ^↥^ _0_ ^ ^ [_at_] text [_F_] link [_d_] dark mode
^^^↑^^^ ^↓^ ╭─^─^─┐ ^↓^ ╭─^ ^─┐ [_ad_] delete [_f_] search link
_h_ ←pag_e_→ _l_ _N_ │ _P_ │ _-_ _b_ [_aa_] dired
^^^↓^^^ ^ ^ ╰─^─^─╯ ^ ^ ╰─^ ^─╯ [_y_] yank
^^_n_^^ ^ ^ _r_eset slice box
("\\" hydra-master/body "back")
("<ESC>" nil "quit")
("al" pdf-annot-list-annotations)
("ad" pdf-annot-delete)
("aa" pdf-annot-attachment-dired)
("am" pdf-annot-add-markup-annotation)
("at" pdf-annot-add-text-annotation)
("y" pdf-view-kill-ring-save)
("+" pdf-view-enlarge :color red)
("-" pdf-view-shrink :color red)
("0" pdf-view-scale-reset)
("H" pdf-view-fit-height-to-window)
("W" pdf-view-fit-width-to-window)
("P" pdf-view-fit-page-to-window)
("n" pdf-view-next-page-command :color red)
("p" pdf-view-previous-page-command :color red)
("d" pdf-view-dark-minor-mode)
("b" pdf-view-set-slice-from-bounding-box)
("r" pdf-view-reset-slice)
("g" pdf-view-first-page)
("G" pdf-view-last-page)
("e" pdf-view-goto-page)
("o" pdf-outline)
("s" pdf-occur)
("i" pdf-misc-display-metadata)
("u" pdf-view-revert-buffer)
("F" pdf-links-action-perfom)
("f" pdf-links-isearch-link)
("B" pdf-history-backward :color red)
("N" pdf-history-forward :color red)
("l" image-forward-hscroll :color red)
("h" image-backward-hscroll :color red))
- Binding-Styles
- Basics
- Verbosity
- Verbosity-Long-Short
- Conditional-Hydra
- defcustom
- Hydra-Colors
- internals
- Nesting-Hydras
- Prefix-map