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joe di castro edited this page Apr 14, 2015 · 1 revision

Helm Hydra

This is my configuration to use hydra with Helm:

(defhydra hydra-helm (:hint nil :color pink)
   Navigation   Other  Sources     Mark             Do             Help   │ Helm │
        ^_k_^         _K_       _p_   [_m_] mark         [_v_] view         [_H_] helm help
        ^^↑^^         ^↑^       ^↑^   [_t_] toggle all   [_d_] delete       [_s_] source help
    _h_ ←   → _l_     _c_       ^ ^   [_u_] unmark all   [_f_] follow: %(helm-attr 'follow)
        ^^↓^^         ^↓^       ^↓^    ^ ^               [_y_] yank selection
        ^_j_^         _J_       _n_    ^ ^               [_w_] toggle windows
        ("<tab>" helm-keyboard-quit "back" :exit t)
        ("<escape>" nil "quit")
        ("\\" (insert "\\") "\\" :color blue)
        ("h" helm-beginning-of-buffer)
        ("j" helm-next-line)
        ("k" helm-previous-line)
        ("l" helm-end-of-buffer)
        ("g" helm-beginning-of-buffer)
        ("G" helm-end-of-buffer)
        ("n" helm-next-source)
        ("p" helm-previous-source)
        ("K" helm-scroll-other-window-down)
        ("J" helm-scroll-other-window)
        ("c" helm-recenter-top-bottom-other-window)
        ("m" helm-toggle-visible-mark)
        ("t" helm-toggle-all-marks)
        ("u" helm-unmark-all)
        ("H" helm-help)
        ("s" helm-buffer-help)
        ("v" helm-execute-persistent-action)
        ("d" helm-persistent-delete-marked)
        ("y" helm-yank-selection)
        ("w" helm-toggle-resplit-and-swap-windows)
        ("f" helm-follow-mode))


Helm hydra

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