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De Novo Stream Creation SOP

Aiman Kayad edited this page Jan 8, 2024 · 4 revisions



  • De Novo is one specific type of vacatur out of the three existing vacaturs. When faced with a ticket marked as "De Novo Stream creation requested" or similar, this is typically due to a change on behalf of the VLJ presiding over the case, where a De Novo process has now been granted and a previous vacatur type (either a straight vacate or vacate and reajudicate) has been either created in error, or determined to be changed afterwards via a judge's decision. Creating a new De Novo stream should be a farily simple process with the steps outlined below if there is already an existing Post Decision Motion in place. If there is not an existing PDM, extra verification from the end user will be required before proceeding with this SOP process.

Sudo into Caseflow

sudo su -c "source /opt/caseflow-certification/; cd /opt/caseflow-certification/src; bin/rails c"

Set the user

RequestStore[:current_user] = User.system_user

Target your particular appeal

a=Appeal.find_by(uuid: "** UUID** ")

Grab the appeal's streams by docket number

streams=Appeal.where(stream_docket_number: a.stream_docket_number)

Map over each of the appeal's streams

(!) IF the first appeal stream you see says "Original" set it to the variable 'o'

IF not, then proceed to next step


(!) IF the second appeal stream you see says "vacate", the set it to the variable 'v'

IF not, then it may be the first stream, please set v=streams.first accordingly. IF if it not the first, OR second stream, then use array indexing (first element is streams[0], second element is streams[1], and so on..


Confirm in order to make sure that there aren't any complicating decisions

(!) IF you only see "vacated" listed, we're good to move to the next step (!) IF you notice any other decisions on the decision issues, then please reach out to the end user asking for confirmation to continue on with creating the de novo stream from that particular vacate stream, or if an error has been made on their end.

Target the Post Decision Motion on the vacate stream


(!) Update the vacate_type on the Post Decision Motion to the correct "vacate_and_de_novo" from what it may currently be

pdm.update!(vacate_type: "vacate_and_de_novo")

Call De Novo Stream Creator on the vacate stream

Validation Steps

To confirm that the remediation ran correctly:

Grab the appeal's streams by docket number

streams=Appeal.where(stream_docket_number: a.stream_docket_number)

Map over each of the appeal's streams

Output should look similar to the following below:

You have successfully created the de novo stream, and are ready to submit for validation.

IF the following output is missing "de_novo", then please escalate to Tier 4.

["original", "vacate", "de_novo"]

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