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Experimentation Scripting

Here is an (incomplete) list of the scriptable experimentation elements.


Name ExperimentTankViewed
When The player navigates their view to an experiment tank
Arguments tankType (identifier): The type of the tank ("Observation", "Stress", "Measurement")
Name ExperimentTankExited
When The player stops viewing the current experiment tank
Name ExperimentScreenViewed
When The player views a specific setup screen in an experiment tank
Arguments tankType (identifier): The type of the tank ("Observation", "Stress", "Measurement")
screenId (identifier): The id of the screen
Name ExperimentScreenExited
When The player stops viewing a specific setup screen in an experiment tank
Arguments tankType (identifier): The type of the tank ("Observation", "Stress", "Measurement")
screenId (identifier): The id of the screen
Name ExperimentStarted
When The player begins the execution phase of an experiment
Arguments tankType (identifier): The type of the tank ("Observation", "Stress", "Measurement")
newFactsLeft (integer): (Observation only) The number of new facts the player could potentially observe
Name ExperimentIdle
When The player waits for 15-20 seconds in an observation experiment without capturing a new behavior
Arguments tankType (identifier): The type of the tank ("Observation")
newFactsLeft (integer): The number of new facts the player could potentially observe
missedFacts (integer): The number of facts the player has missed their opportunity to observe
Name BehaviorCaptureChance
When A behavior capture circle appears in an observation experiment
Arguments factId (identifier): The id of the fact
newFact (boolean): If the fact is one the player has not seen before
Name BehaviorCaptureChanceExpired
When A behavior capture circle disappears without the player clicking it in an observation experiment
Arguments factId (identifier): The id of the fact
newFact (boolean): If the fact is one the player has not seen before
Name NewBehaviorObserved
When The player observes a new behavior in an observation experiment
Arguments factId (identifier): The id of the newly observed fact
Name ExperimentFinished
When The player finishes the execution phase of an experiment
Arguments tankType (identifier): The type of the tank ("Observation", "Stress", "Measurement")



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