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Progression Scripting

Here is an (incomplete) list of the progression scripting elements.


Name JobStarted
When The player starts a job.
Arguments jobId (identifier): The id of the started job
Name JobSwitched
When The player switches to a job.
Arguments jobId (identifier): The id of the current job
Name JobTaskCompleted
When The player completes a task for the current job.
Arguments jobId (identifier): The id of the current job
taskId (identifier): The id of the completed task
Name JobTasksUpdated
When The status of the player's job tasks is updated.
Arguments jobId (identifier): The id of the current job
Name JobCompleted
When The player completes a job.
Arguments jobId (identifier): The id of the completed job
Name UpgradeAdded
When The player purchases an upgrade
Arguments upgradeId (identifier): The id of the newly purchased upgrade
Name ExpUp
When The player gains experience points
Name LevelUp
When The player levels up


Name player:currentJob
Description The id of the current active job
Type identifier
Name player:currentStation
Description The id of the current ecosystem
Type identifier (KelpStation, CoralStation, BayouStation, ArcticStation)
Name player:cash
Description The amount of money the player is currently carrying
Type integer
Name player:exp
Description The amount of experience points the player currently has for the current level
Type integer
Name player:expLevel
Description The player's current science rank
Type integer
Name global:actNumber
Description Index of the current game act.
Type integer


Name JobStartedOrComplete(jobId)
Purpose Loads into the given scene.
Arguments sceneId (identifier): Name of the scene to load.
(Optional) entrance (identifier): Name of the entrance to load the player to.
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