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Shop Scripting

Here is a list of all the scriptable elements for the Shop.


Name ShopOpenMenu
When The player opens the shop menu
Name ShopOpenScience
When The player opens the science tab in the shop menu, or the player returns to it after attempting to purchase an item
Name ShopOpenExploration
When The player opens the exploration tab in the shop menu, or the player returns to it after attempting to purchase an item
Name ShopClose
When The player closes the shop
Name ShopAttemptBuy
When The player clicks on a shop item to attempt to purchase it
Arguments itemId (identifier): The id of the item.
canAfford (boolean): Whether the player can afford this item.
cashCost (integer): The cash required to purchase the item.
expCost (integer): The experience level required to purchase the item.


Name shop:lastFailure
Description The id of the last item the player failed to purchase.
Type identifier
Name shop:lastFailureReason
Description The reason the player was unable to purchase the item specified in shop:lastFailure
Type identifier ("exp", "cash")
Name shop:purchaseCount
Description The number of items purchased from the shop.
Type integer
Name shop:notEnoughCount
Description The number of items the player has been told they do not have enough cash to purchase an item.
Type integer


Name InteriorOpenShopBoard()
Purpose Opens the shop menu.
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