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Autumn edited this page Jul 20, 2022 · 1 revision

Tools Scripting

Here is an (incomplete) list of the scriptable tools elements.


Name ScannedNewObject
When The player scans an object in the environment for the first time
Arguments scanId (identifier): The id of the scan entry
Name ScannedObject
When The player scans an object in the environment
Arguments scanId (identifier): The id of the scan entry
Notes If ScannedNewObject is triggered by the scan then this will not trigger
Name IceBreakerCharging
When The player begins charging the ice breaker
Name IceBreakerCanceled
When The player cancels charging the ice breaker
Name IceBreakerFired
When The player fires the ice breaker
Name IceBreakerFireFinished
When The ice breaker finishes firing
Arguments objectsBroken (integer): The number of objects broken by the ice breaker when the player last fired it
Name IceBreakerRecharged
When The ice breaker is fully recharged


Name player:stats.brokenCount
Description Total number of objects the player has broken with the ice breaker.
Type integer
Name player:lastFlashlightState
Description Whether or not the player has their flashlight activated.
Type boolean


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