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Dialogue Task

sk1ll10 edited this page Sep 14, 2021 · 7 revisions

Topic: /dialogue/task
Via this topic the dialog system issues tasks to different agents.

Message definition:

  "target_id": String,
  "source_id": String,
  "timestamp": Long,
  "task_id": String,
  "priority": int,
  "type": String,
  "parameter": {
Key Description
task_id Unique task id, will be used in status messages related to a task.
priority Task priority, can range from 1 to 5. 1 is the highest priority.
type Task type, current valid values are bring, memorize.
parameter Parameters needed by the robot to fulfill the task. The exact parameters needed is described in the following.

Parameters for Types

Available types:


The type bring issues a bring command to the robot. It will fetch a object from a location and deliver it to another location. If no fetch location is specified, it will search the knowledge base for locations. If no target location is specified, it will deliver it to the origin when the command was issued.

Needed parameters are:

  "object": String,
  "from" : String,
  "to": String
Key Description
object Object which should be fetched.
from Location the object should be fetched from.
to Location the object should be brought to.


When receiving a memorize task, the robot starts to memorize the object locations in the users flat. This task does not need any additional information meaning the parameters must be left empty.


The type cleanup issues a cleanup task at the specified location

Needed parameters are:

"from": String ->does_not_make_sense_here!
"to": String ->only_relevant_parameter!
"cleaning": String ->does_not_make_sense_here!
Key Description
to Location that should be cleaned up


Example task message of type bring:

  "target_id": "R_1",
  "source_id": "SI_1",
  "timestamp": 1552481472,
  "task_id": "Task1236861",
  "priority": 2,
  "type": "bring",
  "parameter": {
    "object": "Apple",
    "from": "Dinning-Table",
    "to": "Sofa"

Other task messages look similar, only the type and parameter field are filled accordingly.

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