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Robot Occupancy

hoferdan edited this page May 4, 2021 · 2 revisions

Topic Name: /robots/occupancy
Robot occupancy grids is published on this topic. They are transmitted as a bloolean grid indicating if a cell is blocked
for the robot or not.

Message definition:

  "source_id": String,
  "timestamp": Long,
  "x_dimension": float,
  "x_scale": float,
  "x_offset": float,
  "y_dimension": float,
  "y_scale": float,
  "y_offset": float,
  "grid": [[Boolean]]
Key Description
x_dimension Dimension of grid on the x-axis in meters.
x_scale tbd
x_offset tbd
y_dimension Dimension of grid on the y-axis in meters.
y_scale tbd
y_offset tbd
grid 2d array with boolean values indicating which cell is blocked for the robot.
True means that the cell is occupied thus False means the cell is unoccupied.


  "source_id": "R_1",
  "timestamp": 1552481472,
  "x_dimension": 3,
  "x_scale": 0.4,
  "x_offset": 0.8,
  "y_dimension": 3,
  "y_scale": 0.4,
  "y_offset": 0.8,
  "grid": [
    [true, true, false],
    [true, false, false],
    [false, false, false]
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