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mdaneri edited this page Mar 10, 2025 · 1 revision

Automatic Route Creation for Functions and Modules

Pode has support for converting commands (functions/aliases) into Routes. This could be from an array of defined commands, or by using a Module's exported commands.

To do this, you use the ConvertTo-PodeRoute function. This function also allows you to specify a Path and Middleware for all the Routes generated.


You can convert an array of commands into Routes by supplying them to the ConvertTo-PodeRoute function. For example, to convert the Get-ChildItem and Invoke-Expression functions you can use the following:

ConvertTo-PodeRoute -Commands @('Get-ChildItem', 'Invoke-Expression')

This will generate two Routes, similar to as if you did the below:

Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/Get-ChildItem' -ScriptBlock {
    $parameters = $WebEvent.Query
    $result = (Get-ChildItem @parameters)
    Write-PodeJsonResponse -Value $result -Depth 1

Add-PodeRoute -Method Post -Path '/Invoke-Expression' -ScriptBlock {
    $parameters = $WebEvent.Data
    $result = (Invoke-Expression @parameters)
    Write-PodeJsonResponse -Value $result -Depth 1

Example Route invocation:

Invoke-Restmethod http://localhost:8080/Invoke-Expression -Body @{Command = "Get-Date"} -Method POST

In a POST request, function parameters become hashtable key/value pairs passed in the body. Accessible by $WebEvent.Data

#Direct Query Parameters
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri 'http://localhost:8080/Get-ChildItem?Path=/some/path'

#Powershell Hashtable to Query Parameter Conversion
Invoke-Restmethod http://localhost:8080/Get-ChildItem -Body @{Path = "/some/path"}  -Method GET

In a GET request, function parameters become URI query parameters. This can be supplied directly to the URI or by passing a hashtable in the body parameter field. Accessible by $WebEvent.Query

!!! tip You can stop the function verbs being used in the Route's path by supplying the -NoVerb switch.


If you have a Module whose exported commands you want to convert into Routes, then you can supply the Module's name to ConvertTo-PodeRoute.

Supplying a Module will cause it to be automatically imported using Import-PodeModule. This means the Module can be referenced by name, or by path, and it supports modules within the ps_modules directory.

For example, if you wanted to import all commands from Pester you could do the following:

ConvertTo-PodeRoute -Module Pester

Or, you can convert specific commands from Pester:

ConvertTo-PodeRoute -Module Pester -Commands @('Invoke-Pester')

Route Path

The Routes created will all have automatically generated paths. There are 3 components to the path:

  1. The first is if you supplied a path via -Path.
  2. The second is if you're using a Module.
  3. The final part is the name of the Command itself.

In general, the path will look as follows: /<path>/<module>/<command>

HTTP Methods

The Routes created will also have an automatic HTTP method assigned. This method is determined by the verb of the command; if it's Get-ChildItem then it's a GET route, or if it's Invoke-Expression then it's a POST route.

If you want to use one HTTP method for everything, then you can supply the -Method parameter on ConvertTo-PodeRoute.

The table below defines how verbs are mapped.

Method Verbs
POST Default - All other verbs
GET Find, Format, Get, Join, Search, Select, Split, Measure, Ping, Test, Trace
PATCH Rename, Edit, Update
DELETE Clear, Close, Exit, Hide, Remove, Undo, Dismount, Unpublish, Disable, Uninstall, Unregister


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