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mdaneri edited this page Mar 10, 2025 · 1 revision

Building Pode

If you have Pode's source code checked out locally on your machine, you can follow these steps to build Pode:


  1. Install InvokeBuild Module

    Using Powershell Gallery

    Install-Module InvokeBuild -Scope CurrentUser

    Using Chocolatey

    choco install invoke-build
  2. Test

    To run the unit tests, run the following command from the root of the repository (this will build Pode and, if needed, auto-install Pester/.NET):

    Invoke-Build Test
  3. Build

    To just build Pode, before running any examples, run the following:

    Invoke-Build Build
  4. Packaging

    To create a Pode package. Please note that docker has to be present to create the containers.

    Invoke-Build Pack
  5. Install locally

    To install Pode from the repository, run the following:

    Invoke-Build Install-Module

    To uninstall, use:

    Invoke-Build Remove-Module
  6. CleanUp

    To clean up after a build or a pack, run the following:

    Invoke-Build clean


  1. Register the Microsoft Repository


    sudo rpm --import
    sudo curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/microsoft.repo


    sudo rpm --import
    sudo curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/microsoft.repo

    Debian / Ubuntu

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y wget apt-transport-https software-properties-common
    wget$(lsb_release -rs)/packages-microsoft-prod.deb -O packages-microsoft-prod.deb
    sudo apt-get update;
  2. Install InvokeBuild Module

    Install-Module InvokeBuild -Scope CurrentUser
  3. Test

    To run the unit tests, run the following command from the root of the repository (this will build Pode and, if needed, auto-install Pester/.NET):

    Invoke-Build Test
  4. Build

    To just build Pode, before running any examples, run the following:

    Invoke-Build Build
  5. Packaging

    To create a Pode package. Please note that docker has to be present to create the containers.

    Invoke-Build Pack
  6. Install locally

    To install Pode from the repository, run the following:

    Invoke-Build Install-Module

    To uninstall, use:

    Invoke-Build Remove-Module


An easy way to install the required components is to use brew:

  1. Install dotnet:

    brew install dotnet
  2. Install InvokeBuild Module

    Install-Module InvokeBuild -Scope CurrentUser
  3. Test

    To run the unit tests, run the following command from the root of the repository (this will build Pode and, if needed, auto-install Pester/.NET):

    Invoke-Build Test
  4. Build

    To just build Pode, before running any examples, run the following:

    Invoke-Build Build
  5. Packaging

    To create a Pode package. Please note that docker has to be present to create the containers.

    Invoke-Build Pack
  6. Install locally

    To install Pode from the repository, run the following:

    Invoke-Build Install-Module

    To uninstall, use:

    Invoke-Build Remove-Module


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