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mdaneri edited this page Mar 10, 2025 · 1 revision

REST APIs and Sessions

Sessions in Pode are normally done using cookies, but you can also use them via headers as well. This way you can have two endpoints for authentication login/logout, and the rest of your routes depend on a valid SessionId.

!!! info The full example can be seen on GitHub in examples/web-auth-basic-header.ps1.


To start off, you'll need the main Start-PodeServer function; here we'll use 2 threads to handle requests:

Start-PodeServer -Thread 2 {
    # the rest of the logic goes here!

Next, we'll need an endpoint to listen on. Using the Add-PodeEndpoint function will let you specify and endpoint for your server to listen on, such as http://localhost:8080:

Add-PodeEndpoint -Address * -Port 8080 -Protocol Http

Enabling Sessions

To use sessions with headers for our authentication, we need to setup Session Middleware using the Enable-PodeSessionMiddleware function. Here our sessions will last for 2 minutes, and will be extended on each request:

Enable-PodeSessionMiddleware -Duration 120 -Extend -UseHeaders


Once we have the Sessions enabled, we need to setup Basic authentication - the username/password here are hard-coded, but normally you would validate against some database:

New-PodeAuthScheme -Basic | Add-PodeAuth -Name 'Login' -ScriptBlock {
    param($username, $password)

    # here you'd check a real user storage, this is just for example
    if ($username -eq 'morty' -and $password -eq 'pickle') {
        return @{
            User = @{
                ID ='M0R7Y302'
                Name = 'Morty'
                Type = 'Human'

    # aww geez! no user was found
    return @{ Message = 'Invalid details supplied' }

Login and Logout

The first two routes will be two POST routes to login/logout a user. This first route will authenticate the user, and then respond back with a session in the response's pode.sid header:

Add-PodeRoute -Method Post -Path '/login' -Authentication 'Login'

For the login endpoint, you would the request and supply the normal Authorization header.

The second route will require the session to be sent in the request's pode.sid header, and will expire and destroy the session:

Add-PodeRoute -Method Post -Path '/logout' -Authentication 'Login' -Logout

The first route on success will return with a 200 response, the logout route will respond with a 401 since the session no longer exists. And other routes called using the same session will also return with a 401.


This is a very basic POST route, but it will return a list of users if a valid pode.sid header has been supplied on the request:

Add-PodeRoute -Method Post -Path '/users' -Authentication 'Login' -ScriptBlock {
    Write-PodeJsonResponse -Value @{
        Users = @(
                Name = 'Deep Thought'
                Age = 42
                Name = 'Leeroy Jenkins'
                Age = 1337

If you don't supply a session, or supply an invalid one, then a 401 in returned. You could also just straight-up supply the Authorization header on the request instead.

Web Requests

If you use the exact endpoint and dummy credentials above, then the follow are calls you can do on the PowerShell CLI.


This call will authenticate and create a session:

$session = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri http://localhost:8080/login -Method Post -Headers @{ Authorization = 'Basic bW9ydHk6cGlja2xl' }).Headers['pode.sid'][0]


This call will use the above session from logging in, and return a list of users:

Invoke-RestMethod -Uri http://localhost:8080/users -Method Post -Headers @{ 'pode.sid' = "$session" }


This call will use the same session, but will time it out:

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri http://localhost:8085/logout -Method Post -Headers @{ 'pode.sid' = "$session" }


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