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mdaneri edited this page Mar 10, 2025 · 1 revision

User File

Pode's inbuilt user file authentication works cross-platform, relying just on a JSON file with an array of valid users.

This authenticator can only be used with Basic and Form. Custom is also supported, but a username and password must be supplied.


To use user file authentication you can use the Add-PodeAuthUserFile function. The following example will validate a user's credentials, supplied via a web-form, against the default user file at ./users.json from the server's root:

Start-PodeServer {
    New-PodeAuthScheme -Form | Add-PodeAuthUserFile -Name 'Login'

File Format

The default users file is ./users.json at the root of the server. You can supply a custom file path using the -FilePath parameter.

The users file is a JSON array of user objects, each user object must contain the following (metadata is optional):

Name Type Description
Username string The user's username
Name string The user's fullname
Email string The user's email address
Password string Either a SHA256 or an HMAC SHA256 of the user's password
Groups string[] An array of groups which the the user is a member
Metadata psobject Custom metadata for the user

For example:

        "Name": "Joe Bloggs",
        "Username": "j.bloggs",
        "Email": "[email protected]",
        "Password": "XohImNooBHFR0OVvjcYpJ3NgPQ1qq73WKhHvch0VQtg=",
        "Groups": [
        "Metadata": {
            "Created": "2001-01-01"

HMAC Passwords

The password is normally a standard SHA256 hash, but Pode does support HMAC SHA256 hashes as well. If you use an HMAC hash, you can specify the secret used as follows:

Start-PodeServer {
    New-PodeAuthScheme -Form | Add-PodeAuthUserFile -Name 'Login' -HmacSecret '<some-secret>'

Regardless of whether the password is a standard SHA256 hash or HMAC hash, the hashed output should be a base64 string. The following functions will return the hashed value in the expected format:


function ConvertTo-SHA256([string]$String)
    $SHA256 = [System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256Managed]::new()
    $SHA256Hash = $SHA256.ComputeHash([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($String))
    $SHA256HashString = [Convert]::ToBase64String($SHA256Hash)
    return $SHA256HashString


function ConvertTo-HMACSHA256([string]$String, [string]$Secret) {
    $HMACSHA256 = [System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256]::new()
    $HMACSHA256.Secret = [Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($Secret)
    $HMACSHA256Hash = $HMACSHA256.ComputeHash([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($String))
    $HMACSHA256HashString = [Convert]::ToBase64String($HMACSHA256Hash)
    return $HMACSHA256HashString

User Object

The User object returned, and accessible on Routes, and other functions via the web event's $WebEvent.Auth.User property, will contain the following information:

Name Type Description
Username string The user's username
Name string The user's fullname
Email string The user's email address
Groups string[] An array of groups which the the user is a member
Metadata psobject Custom metadata for the user

Such as:

Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/info' -Authentication 'Login' -ScriptBlock {
    Write-Host $WebEvent.Auth.User.Username


You can supply a list of group names to validate that users are a member of them. If you supply multiple group names, the user only needs to be a of one of the groups. You can supply the list of groups to the function's -Groups parameter as an array - the list is not case-sensitive:

Start-PodeServer {
    New-PodeAuthScheme -Form | Add-PodeAuthUserFile -Name 'Login' -Groups @('admins', 'devops')

If an user being authenticated is not in one of these groups, then a 401 is returned.


You can supply a list of authorised usernames to validate a user's access, after credentials are validated, and instead of of checking AD groups. You can supply the list of usernames to the function's -Users parameter as an array - the list is not case-sensitive:

Start-PodeServer {
    New-PodeAuthScheme -Form | Add-PodeAuthUserFile -Name 'Login' -Users @('jsnow', 'rsanchez')

If an user being authenticated is not one of the allowed users, then a 401 is returned.

Additional Validation

Similar to the normal Add-PodeAuth, Add-PodeAuthUserFile can be supplied can an optional ScriptBlock parameter. This ScriptBlock is supplied the found User object as a parameter, structured as details above. You can then use this to further check the user, or load additional user information from another storage.

The ScriptBlock has the same return rules as Add-PodeAuth, as can be seen in the Overview.

For example, to return the user back:

New-PodeAuthScheme -Form | Add-PodeAuthUserFile -Name 'Login' -ScriptBlock {

    # check or load extra data

    return @{ User = $user }

Or to fail authentication with an error message:

New-PodeAuthScheme -Form | Add-PodeAuthUserFile -Name 'Login' -ScriptBlock {
    return @{ Message = 'Authorisation failed' }


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