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QuaternionD Struct

public struct QuaternionD

Defines a four-dimensional vector (x,y,z,w), which is used to efficiently rotate an object about the (x, y, z) vector by the angle theta, where w = cos(theta/2). Uses double precision floating point numbers for calculation and storage

Namespace: VRageMath
Assembly: VRage.Math.dll


Member Description
\%1static QuaternionD Identity](VRageMath.QuaternionD.Identity)
\%1double W](VRageMath.QuaternionD.W) Specifies the rotation component of the quaternion.
\%1double X](VRageMath.QuaternionD.X) Specifies the x-value of the vector component of the quaternion.
\%1double Y](VRageMath.QuaternionD.Y) Specifies the y-value of the vector component of the quaternion.
\%1double Z](VRageMath.QuaternionD.Z) Specifies the z-value of the vector component of the quaternion.


Member Description
\%1QuaternionD(double, double, double, double)](VRageMath.QuaternionD..ctor)
\%1QuaternionD(Vector3D, double)](VRageMath.QuaternionD..ctor)


Member Description
\%1static QuaternionD Add(QuaternionD, QuaternionD)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.Add) Adds two Quaternions.
\%1static void Add(ref QuaternionD, ref QuaternionD, out QuaternionD)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.Add) Adds two Quaternions.
\%1static QuaternionD Concatenate(QuaternionD, QuaternionD)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.Concatenate) Concatenates two Quaternions; the result represents the value1 rotation followed by the value2 rotation.
\%1static void Concatenate(ref QuaternionD, ref QuaternionD, out QuaternionD)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.Concatenate) Concatenates two Quaternions; the result represents the value1 rotation followed by the value2 rotation.
\%1static QuaternionD Conjugate(QuaternionD)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.Conjugate) Returns the conjugate of a specified QuaternionD.
\%1static void Conjugate(ref QuaternionD, out QuaternionD)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.Conjugate) Returns the conjugate of a specified QuaternionD.
\%1static QuaternionD CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3D, double)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.CreateFromAxisAngle) Creates a QuaternionD from a vector and an angle to rotate about the vector.
\%1static void CreateFromAxisAngle(ref Vector3D, double, out QuaternionD)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.CreateFromAxisAngle) Creates a QuaternionD from a vector and an angle to rotate about the vector.
\%1static QuaternionD CreateFromForwardUp(Vector3D, Vector3D)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.CreateFromForwardUp) Works for normalized vectors only
\%1static QuaternionD CreateFromRotationMatrix(MatrixD)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.CreateFromRotationMatrix) Creates a QuaternionD from a rotation MatrixD.
\%1static void CreateFromRotationMatrix(ref MatrixD, out QuaternionD)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.CreateFromRotationMatrix) Creates a QuaternionD from a rotation MatrixD.
\%1static void CreateFromTwoVectors(ref Vector3D, ref Vector3D, out QuaternionD)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.CreateFromTwoVectors)
\%1static QuaternionD CreateFromTwoVectors(Vector3D, Vector3D)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.CreateFromTwoVectors)
\%1static QuaternionD CreateFromYawPitchRoll(double, double, double)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.CreateFromYawPitchRoll) Creates a new QuaternionD from specified yaw, pitch, and roll angles.
\%1static void CreateFromYawPitchRoll(double, double, double, out QuaternionD)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.CreateFromYawPitchRoll) Creates a new QuaternionD from specified yaw, pitch, and roll angles.
\%1static QuaternionD Divide(QuaternionD, QuaternionD)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.Divide) Divides a QuaternionD by another QuaternionD.
\%1static void Divide(ref QuaternionD, ref QuaternionD, out QuaternionD)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.Divide) Divides a QuaternionD by another QuaternionD.
\%1static double Dot(QuaternionD, QuaternionD)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.Dot) Calculates the dot product of two Quaternions.
\%1static void Dot(ref QuaternionD, ref QuaternionD, out double)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.Dot) Calculates the dot product of two Quaternions.
\%1static QuaternionD FromVector4(Vector4D)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.FromVector4)
\%1static QuaternionD Inverse(QuaternionD)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.Inverse) Returns the inverse of a QuaternionD.
\%1static void Inverse(ref QuaternionD, out QuaternionD)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.Inverse) Returns the inverse of a QuaternionD.
\%1static bool IsZero(QuaternionD)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.IsZero)
\%1static bool IsZero(QuaternionD, double)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.IsZero)
\%1static QuaternionD Lerp(QuaternionD, QuaternionD, double)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.Lerp) Linearly interpolates between two quaternions.
\%1static void Lerp(ref QuaternionD, ref QuaternionD, double, out QuaternionD)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.Lerp) Linearly interpolates between two quaternions.
\%1static QuaternionD Multiply(QuaternionD, QuaternionD)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.Multiply) Multiplies two quaternions.
\%1static void Multiply(ref QuaternionD, ref QuaternionD, out QuaternionD)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.Multiply) Multiplies two quaternions.
\%1static QuaternionD Multiply(QuaternionD, double)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.Multiply) Multiplies a quaternion by a scalar value.
\%1static void Multiply(ref QuaternionD, double, out QuaternionD)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.Multiply) Multiplies a quaternion by a scalar value.
\%1static QuaternionD Negate(QuaternionD)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.Negate) Flips the sign of each component of the quaternion.
\%1static void Negate(ref QuaternionD, out QuaternionD)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.Negate) Flips the sign of each component of the quaternion.
\%1static QuaternionD Normalize(QuaternionD)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.Normalize) Divides each component of the quaternion by the length of the quaternion.
\%1static void Normalize(ref QuaternionD, out QuaternionD)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.Normalize) Divides each component of the quaternion by the length of the quaternion.
\%1static QuaternionD Slerp(QuaternionD, QuaternionD, double)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.Slerp) Interpolates between two quaternions, using spherical linear interpolation.
\%1static void Slerp(ref QuaternionD, ref QuaternionD, double, out QuaternionD)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.Slerp) Interpolates between two quaternions, using spherical linear interpolation.
\%1static QuaternionD Subtract(QuaternionD, QuaternionD)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.Subtract) Subtracts a quaternion from another quaternion.
\%1static void Subtract(ref QuaternionD, ref QuaternionD, out QuaternionD)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.Subtract) Subtracts a quaternion from another quaternion.
\%1void Conjugate()](VRageMath.QuaternionD.Conjugate) Transforms this QuaternionD into its conjugate.
\%1bool Equals(QuaternionD)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.Equals) Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the QuaternionD.
\%1bool Equals(object)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.Equals) Returns a value that indicates whether the current instance is equal to a specified object.
\%1void GetAxisAngle(out Vector3D, out double)](VRageMath.QuaternionD.GetAxisAngle)
\%1int GetHashCode()](VRageMath.QuaternionD.GetHashCode) Get the hash code of this object.
\%1double Length()](VRageMath.QuaternionD.Length) Calculates the length of a QuaternionD.
\%1double LengthSquared()](VRageMath.QuaternionD.LengthSquared) Calculates the length squared of a QuaternionD.
\%1void Normalize()](VRageMath.QuaternionD.Normalize) Divides each component of the quaternion by the length of the quaternion.
\%1string ToString()](VRageMath.QuaternionD.ToString) Retireves a string representation of the current object.
\%1Vector4D ToVector4()](VRageMath.QuaternionD.ToVector4)
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