Releases: thorwin99/SEWorldGenPlugin
v1.7.5 - More Generator Settings
New Features
Added 2 new generator settings. They control, wether or not all Planets or Moons have to exist in the world, before a Moon or Planet can be generated again. This reduces the number of duplicated planets and moons in the world.
Added an option to use vanilla planets. It is on by default, but can be turned off to only use modded planets in the world.
Bug fixes
Known Issues
- The plugin still eats up ram, when inside asteroid fields. However, i did find out, it is an issue with space engineers, that does not clean up closed voxel maps.
v1.7.4.1 - Bug Fix
New Features
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug, where a world, that used the global config, would generate nothing, if the global config had its enabled field set to false
Known Issues
- The plugin still eats up ram, when inside asteroid fields. However, i did find out, it is an issue with space engineers, that does not clean up closed voxel maps.
v1.7.4 - Gas Giants
New Features
- Added the ability to define planets as gas giants in the global config file. They will be double the size than a normal planet with the same gravity and will have a higher chance to generate moons, and will generate more moons, due to the larger size.
Bug fixes
Known Issues
- The plugin still eats up ram, when inside asteroid fields. However, i did find out, it is an issue with space engineers, that does not clean up closed voxel maps.
v1.7.3.9 - Update for SE version 1.196
New Features
- Updated for SE version 1.196
Bug fixes
Known Issues
- The plugin still eats up ram, when inside asteroid fields. However, i did find out, it is an issue with space engineers, that does not clean up closed voxel maps.
v1.7.3.8 - GPS Changes
New Features
- Changed the way the dynamic gps markers would generate its name to declutter the screen. Custom generated planets always contained its seed in the name which would make the ring gps names very long
Bug fixes
Known Issues
- The plugin still eats up ram, when inside asteroid fields. However, i did find out, it is an issue with space engineers, that does not clean up closed voxel maps.
v1.7.3.7 - Bug fixes
New Features
- Changed the way the dynamic gps markers would update, because they caused issues with the gps list. Issue #38
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug, where dynamic gps would persist when reloading the world
Known Issues
- The plugin still eats up ram, when inside asteroid fields. However, i did find out, it is an issue with space engineers, that does not clean up closed voxel maps.
v1.7.3.6 - Ring gps markers
New Features
- Added gps markers to asteroid rings around planets. It will only appear at 5000km or closer to the planets center and will update dynamically to be the closest point in the ring towards you. You can disable them in the config and world settings.
- Changed all gps markers to only show when focused, like default vanilla ones
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug in the version check, that could crash the plugin.
Known Issues
- The plugin still eats up ram, when inside asteroid fields. However, i did find out, it is an issue with space engineers, that does not clean up closed voxel maps.
v1.7.3.5 - Bug Fix
New Features
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where moons would not generate due to the world size..
Known Issues
- The plugin still eats up ram, when inside asteroid fields. However, i did find out, it is an issue with space engineers, that does not clean up closed voxel maps.
v1.7.3.4 - Bug fix
New Features
Bug fixes
- Fixed and issue with the admin menu, since the addition of the weather entry to the admin menu caused the plugins entries to not be selectable
Known Issues
The plugin still eats up ram, when inside asteroid fields. However, i did find out, it is an issue with space engineers, that does not clean up closed voxel maps.
The plugin might crash by spawning large planets into the world. This is possibly a bug in space engineers and might get fixed. If it doesnt get fixed soon, a patch will follow to limit the planet sizes to smaller ones. A workaround is to simply limit the max planet size to something like 750km in the world settings
v1.7.3.3 - Fix for Sparks of the Future update
New Features
Bug fixes
- Fixed crashes that occured with the last version of the plugin due to library changes of space engineers
Known Issues
- The plugin still eats up ram, when inside asteroid fields. However, i did find out, it is an issue with space engineers, that does not clean up closed voxel maps.