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Tags for observed variables

Franziska Stürzl edited this page Jul 28, 2021 · 8 revisions

Concept for code tables "1-01-x Observed variable" and tags

Five domains are defined in the context of the WIGOS Metadata Standard. Observed variables are distributed over five tables according to these domains in the codes registry, but the entries have unique ids (=notations) across all tables.

An observed variable is thus defined as: Observed variable = Domain x Matrix (optional) x Species/State variable (with a unique id/notation), where the domain is implicit in the name of the code table. A chemical species or state variable can appear multiple times in these code tables in case it defined for more than one domain or matrix. NB: In a future revision, the approach of breaking up the code table 1-01 into five separate tables 1-01-x may be revisited.

A matrix is the medium to which the observation or measurement refers to. The same chemical species contained in different matrices are listed in the code tables as different observed variables with individual ids. To avoid ambiguity, the label (= name) and description of an observed variable should contain information on the matrix.

Tags are categories that group variables on domain or matrix level. They provide ancillary information and replace the currently (2021) existing path structure, whereby a variable is connected to a domain through a unique path. Tags prevent ambiguities in the categorization but still allow applications to represent all variables in a hierarchical structure to facilitate search and navigation. To describe hierarchies, tags can be nested.

In addition, some variables are listed in the code table with specific size information or information on the relative humidity at the time of sampling. This information is important to interpret observations, however, it will no longer be included in the name of an observed variable. Size information will be specified using a new code list (see ref issue). Other specific conditions of the observation will be specified elsewhere (discussion and modeling still ongoing).

Syntax for construction of names for the code tables 1-01-x

notation name description tags
State variable [id] [variable name (quantity)] [definition] [tag1, tag2,...]
Chemical composition or other property [id] [molecular formula (names)] [in] [matrix] IUPAC: [...], PubChem CID: [...], CAS Number: [...] [tag1, tag2,...]


Variable: Direct solar radiation

  • current path structure
    notation path
    572 \Atmosphere\Radiation\Solar\Direct solar radiation
  • new approach with tags: domain: atmosphere (implicit), matrix: n/a, tag: Radiation {Solar}
    notation name description tags
    572 Direct solar radiation Radiation {Solar}

Variable: Cl-

  • variables currently in the code list:

    notation path
    614 \Atmosphere\Aerosol\Composition\Inorganic anions\Chloride (Cl-), PM1
    615 \Atmosphere\Aerosol\Composition\Inorganic anions\Chloride (Cl-), PM10
    616 \Atmosphere\Aerosol\Composition\Inorganic anions\Chloride (Cl-), PM2.5
    617 \Atmosphere\Aerosol\Composition\Inorganic anions\Chloride (Cl-), total aerosol
    539 \Atmosphere\Total Atmospheric Deposition\Inorganic anions\Chloride (Cl-)
  • new approach

    1. domain: atmosphere, matrix: Particle phase, tags: Inorganic, Anion
    2. domain: atmosphere, matrix: Total deposition, tags: Inorganic, Anion
    notation name description tags
    new id Cl- (chloride) in particle phase IUPAC: chloride, PubChem CID: 312, CAS Number: 16887-00-6 Inorganic, Anion
    539 Cl- (chloride) in total deposition IUPAC: chloride, PubChem CID: 312, CAS Number: 16887-00-6 Inorganic, Anion

Variable: CH4

  • variables, which is currently in the code list:

    notation path
    192  \Atmosphere\Gas\Greenhouse Gas\CH4
  • new approach

    1. domain: atmosphere, matrix: Gas phase, tags: Greenhouse gas, Reactive gas, VOC, Alkane
    notation name description tags
    192 CH4 (methane) in gas phase IUPAC: methane, PubChem CID: 297, CAS Number: 74-82-8 Greenhouse gas, Reactive gas, VOC, Alkane

    NB: The tag "Reactive gas" is not confirmed.


Vocabulary of tags

The following table lists tags independent from domains or matrices, to which they are related. It provides definitions and - if a tag is part of a logical structure - specifies another tags, that represent a broader concept. E. g. the tag "pinaceae" refers to a specific family of pollen and thus is part of the broader term "pollen".


Tag Definition Dependencies (for nested tags)
chemical composition
inorganic species Chemical compound that typically lacks C-H bonds
organic species Chemical compound that typically contains C-H bonds
anion Negatively charged chemical species
cation Positively charged chemical species
trace element
N species Chemical compound containing nitrogen
S species Chemical compound containing sulphur
P species Chemical compound containing phosphorous
H species Chemical compound containing hydrogen
O species Chemical compound containing oxygen
C species Chemical compound containing carbon
Cl species Chemical compound containing chlorine
carbonaceous material
acid Chemical compound that can donate a proton or accept an electron pair
alkane Acyclic saturated hydrocarbon (hydrocarbon, in which all carbon - carbon bonds are single)
alkene Hydrocarbon containing one or more double bonds
alkyne Unsaturated hydrocarbon containing at least one carbon—carbon triple bond
aromatic Organic compound with cyclic, planar structure with pi-bonds in resonance
aldehyde Organic compound that has a -CHO functional group
ketone Organic compound that has a -C-(C=O)-C- functional group
ether Organic compound that has a -C-O-C- functional group
ester Organic compound that has a -C(O)-O-C- functional group
alcohol Organic compound that has a -C-OH functional group
terpene Organic compounds with the formula (C5H8)n
nitrile/cyano Organic compound that has a -C≡N functional group
isotopologue Chemical compound with a specific isotopic signature
greenhouse gas Gases that absorb and emit infrared radiation in the wavelength range emitted by Earth
CFC Chlorinated fluorinated compound
HCFC Hydro chlorinated fluorinated compound
HFC Hydro fluorinated compound
PFC Perfluorinated compound
halon Organohalogen compounds containing bromine and fluorine and one or two carbons
halocarbon Halogenated compound
VOC Volatile organic compound
OVOC Oxygenated volatile organic compound
BVOC Biological volatile organic compound
POP Persistent organic pollutant
PAH Polyaromatic hydrocarbon
mixed stereoisomer
specified stereoisomer
physical property
optical property
IR radiation
solar radiation
UV radiation
obscurations visibility
clouds Condensed water in the atmosphere
cloud ice
bioaerosol Particles of biological origin
capnodiales Order of capnodiales fungi fungi
pleosporales Order of pleosporales fungi fungi
adoxaceae Adoxaceae family pollen pollen
altingiaceae Altingiaceae family pollen pollen
amaranthaceae Amaranthaceae family pollen pollen
aquifoliaceae Aquifoliaceae family pollen
arecaceae Arecaceae family pollen pollen
betulaceae Betulaceae family pollen pollen
brassicaceae Brassicaceae family pollen pollen
buxaceae Buxaceae family pollen pollen
cannabaceae Cannabaceae family pollen pollen
caryophyllaceae Caryophyllaceae family pollen pollen
cupressaceae Cupressaceae family pollen pollen
cyperaceae Cyperaceae family pollen pollen
elaeagnaceae Elaeagnaceae family pollen pollen
ericaceae Ericaceae family pollen pollen
euphorbiaceae Euphorbiaceae family pollen pollen
fagaceae Fagaceae family pollen pollen
ginkgoaceae Ginkgoaceae family pollen pollen
juglandaceae Juglandaceae family pollen pollen
juncaceae Juncaceae family pollen pollen
malvaceae Malvaceae family pollen pollen
moraceae Moraceae family pollen pollen
oleaceae Oleaceae family pollen pollen
pinaceae Pinaceae family pollen pollen
plantaginaceae Plantaginaceae family pollen pollen
platanaceae Platanaceae family pollen pollen
poaceae Poaceae family pollen pollen
polygonaceae Polygonaceae family pollen pollen
ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae family pollen pollen
rosaceae Rosaceae family pollen pollen
salicaceae Salicaceae family pollen pollen
sapindaceae Sapindaceae family pollen pollen
taxaceae Taxaceae family pollen pollen
ulmaceae Ulmaceae family pollen pollen
umbelliferae Umbelliferae family pollen pollen
urticaceae Urticaceae family pollen pollen
dissolved material
sea surface height
sea state
ocean surface stress
sea ice


Tags on the Domain level

To group variables for which the concept of 'matrix' is not defined, tags can be defined on the domain level as 'classifiers'. Issue #277 1-06-01 New code list "Domain" contains a proposal to add the domains used in the WIGOS Metadata Standard in Category 1: Observed variable as a separate code table.

Q: Should a tag be assigned if it is part of the variable name?

The following table lists the tags on the domain level, together with the domains for which these tags are relevant.

Tag Definition Atmosphere Earth Ocean Outer Space Terrestrial Status
Bioaerosols particles of biological origin x uncontroversial
Clouds condensed water in the atmosphere x uncontroversial
Humidity x ?needed?
Lightning x uncontroversial
Precipitation x uncontroversial
Pressure x uncontroversial
Radiation x x uncontroversial
Radionuclide x domain or matrix level?
Temperature x uncontroversial
Visibility x uncontroversial
Wind x x uncontroversial
Physical property x domain or matrix level?
Biogeochemical property x uncontroversial
Biological property x domain or matrix level?
Cryosphere x x uncontroversial
Currents x uncontroversial
Topography x uncontroversial
Transmissivity x ?needed?
Waves x uncontroversial
Ground water x uncontroversial
Lake x uncontroversial
River x uncontroversial
Land surface x uncontroversial
Soil x uncontroversial
Ice sheet x x uncontroversial

Tags with sub-tags:

  • Bioaerosols: {Pollen: {...}, Fungi}
  • Clouds: {Position, Ice, Liquid water, Type, Optical properties}
  • Lightning: {Position}
  • Radiation: {Solar, IR, UV}
  • Visibility: {Obscurations}

Tags on the matrix level, specifically for matrices defined in the domain "Atmosphere"

These tags are intended for use for variables where the concept of matrix is defined, but they are not restricted to the context of matrix. See Issue #278 1-06-02 New code list "Matrix".

Tag Definition Gas phase Particle phase Aerosol Dry deposition Wet deposition Total deposition Status
Greenhouse Gas x uncontroversial
Reactive Gas x ?useful?
VOC x uncontroversial
POP persistent organic pollutant x x x x x x uncontroversial
PAH polyaromatic hydrocarbon x x x x x x uncontroversial
Alkane x uncontroversial
Alkene x uncontroversial
Alkyne x uncontroversial
Inorganic species Chemical compound that typically lacks C-H bonds x x x x x x uncontroversial
Organic species Chemical compound that typically contains C-H bonds x x x x x x uncontroversial
Major inorganic components x x x x x ?needed
Anion Negatively charged chemical species x x x x x uncontroversial
Cation Positively charged chemical species x x x x x uncontroversial
Trace element x x x x x uncontroversial
N species Chemical compound containing nitrogen x x x x x x uncontroversial
P species Chemical compound containing phosphorous x x x x x x uncontroversial
S species Chemical compound containing sulphur x x x x x x uncontroversial
Acid Chemical compound that can donate a proton or accept an electron pair x x x x x x uncontroversial
CFC Chlorinated fluorinated compound x uncontroversial
HCFC Hydro chlorinated fluorinated compound x uncontroversial
HFC Hydro fluorinated compound x uncontroversial
PFC Perfluorinated compound x uncontroversial
Halocarbon Halogenated compound x uncontroversial
Halon Organohalogen compounds containing bromine and fluorine and one or two carbons x uncontroversial
Aromatic Organic compound with cyclic, planar structure with pi-bonds in resonance x x x x x x uncontroversial
Aldehyde Organic compound that has a -CHO functional group x x x x x x uncontroversial
Ketone Organic compound that has a -C-(C=O)-C- functional group x x x x x x uncontroversial
Ether Organic compound that has a -C-O-C- functional group x x x x x x uncontroversial
Ester Organic compound that has a -C(O)-O-C- functional group x x x x x x uncontroversial
Alcohol Organic compound that has a -C-OH functional group x x x x x x uncontroversial
Terpene Organic compounds with the formula (C5H8)n x x x x x x uncontroversial
OVOC Oxygenated volatile organic compound x uncontroversial
BVOC Biological volatile organic compound x uncontroversial
Nitrile/cyano Organic compound that has a -C≡N functional group x x x x x x uncontroversial
C species Chemical compound containing carbon x x x x x x useful/needed?
H species Chemical compound containing hydrogen x x x x x x useful/needed?
O species Chemical compound containing oxygen x x x x x x useful/needed?
Physical property x x x useful/needed?
Optical property x x x useful/needed?
Composition x x x x x x useful/needed?
Carbonaceous material x x x x x x useful/needed?
Isotopologue Chemical compound with a specific isotopic signature x x x x x x uncontroversial
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