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Notes from February 17, 2015

Steven Vance edited this page Feb 18, 2015 · 11 revisions

Review of Last Week

Research & Analysis group settled on three focus areas last week:

  1. Health (mortality)
  2. Economic (median income)
  3. Infrastructure (% of Road Miles with Bike Lanes).

This week

R&A Discussion focused on: Now that we know what our indicators are -
*What is the analysis that we want to do? *Can we use time use data? Available by zip code. [What is time use data? Edit this wiki to clarify] *Can we get more people out for Active Trans spring bike count on south side? *City's argument is that there are equal number of bike lanes on N and S side. Not just about miles, also about connectivity, % people near bike lane (south bike lanes hard to get to), need to do more on S side than on N side to reach people.


  • Divvy stations, well protected bike lanes
  • Need academic research to back up that this is a good place to spend money.
  • Does tech team have the data that they need?
  • Census data (ACS) we want: Travel time to work, race, income, commute mode, zero car households, driver license, hh size, food stamp (snap), age, education status, (un)employment, poverty in last 12 months.

Coding group

  • Working on the existing map. They are using the TurfJS plugin that performs GIS functions in the user's browser.
  • How far can you go - how many jobs can be reached - only on bike lanes. Tristan is using OpenTripPlanner that can calculate the number of jobs that can be reached on a "quick" bike route versus a "safe" bike route. The barrier to running this successfully is good bike lane mapping in OpenStreetMap.