Releases: 3drobotics/ardupilot-solo
Releases · 3drobotics/ardupilot-solo
diff from solo-1.1.0-gimbalbeta:
- blind merge of PR #106 (crash detector improvements from Randy)
Edit: Flight tested loiter and alt_hold modes with no issues. Compatibility issue with latest App beta updates means shot modes would not select on the app.
Needs a change to Solo link to store the sent data on the iMX6 so it can be retrieved.
diff from solo-1.0.7:
- does not fail GPS immediately after disarming for realsies this time
diff from solo-1.0.5:
- EKF will not fail GPS immediately after disarm
diff from solo-1.0.6:
- does not switch modes due to GPS glitch while disarmed
- does not fail GPS immediately after disarming
_still fails GPS after 5 second timeout for normal landing_
See #104
diff from solo-1.0.4:
- fixes a bug where EKF failsafe could switch modes into ALT_HOLD during radio failsafe
- slight tweaks to gps glitch reporting
- new GPS glitch failsafe that drops user into ALT_HOLD, but does not prevent RTL, and returns to LOITER on resolution if the user hasn't changed modes
diff from solo-1.0.3:
- tells GPS to save configurations after writing them
- changes GPS nav filter mode to Airborne 1G
- adds more stringent EKF failsafe checks
- changes ekf failsafe action to switch to alt_hold
- fixes timing bug causing slight inertial sensor inaccuracies
diff from solo-1.0.2:
- fixes a bug with the GPS checks that caused them only to function before the first arming
diff from solo-1.0.1:
- more stringent GPS checks
- throttle up during landing exits into FLY or FLY:MANUAL, depending on GPS state
diff from solo-1.0.0:
- stream rate parameter change to ensure that stream rates are set correctly on boot