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Ammo Pattern

BDCarrillo edited this page Dec 20, 2022 · 3 revisions


  • This is an array where you list each AmmoRound you want in the pattern
  • You can have as many as you want:
Patterns = new[] {


  • Enables the pattern for the weapon, fragments, both, or none. Mode=Weapon would be useful for weapons that should shoot a sequence of ammo, such as solid, solid, tracer, solid. Mode=Fragments can be utilized to add some RNG for different fragment types, or cycle left/right "guns" for a drone.


  • The chance that the pattern will play. [0 to 1, and any floating point number in-between]
  • If the pattern isn't triggered, the parent ammo will fire or the fragment ammo listed in fragment will spawn


  • On each fire, pick a random number of ammos spawned at once. This is quantity of spawns at once, not a randomized order. The upper and lower limits are set by RandomMin and RandomMax


  • Does not apply to mode=fragment
  • On fire, skip the ammo that the pattern originated from.
  • If false, it is included in the random ammo selection
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