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Projectile Guidance Systems

BDCarrillo edited this page Mar 14, 2023 · 17 revisions


  • None: No guidance, but acceleration, lifetime, trajectory, and speed still apply
  • Remote: Not implemented
  • TravelTo: This mode sends the projectile toward the given target lead point when fired. It is not updated mid-flight. Think of this as a time-fused flak.
  • Smart: Guided projectile, based on properties in Smarts or Approaches
  • SmartDetectTravelTo, DetectSmart, DetectFixed: Mines. Explore and let me know

Total Acceleration

  • Total acceleration is usable on all guidance types. It limits how much acceleration (in m/s) can be applied, and counts BOTH straight line acceleration and turning. Note that drag is not modelled, and projectiles do not constantly "thrust."

Smart Steering

  • Aggressiveness should ideally be between 3 and 5, and alters the turn rate to match bearing. Read up on proportional nav, aggressiveness is the N or proportionality constant.

  • NavAcceleration is ideally half of Aggressiveness

  • MaxLateralThrust is 0-1 of how much acceleration thrust can be used, per tick, to turn. Very low values will give a very gentle curve

  • SteeringLimit sets a hard limit on how many degrees per tick, and is more realistic that MaxLateralThrust

  • AccelClearance and TrackingDelay are two methods to allow a Smart to get clear of the firing grid

  • OffsetMinRange sets a distance from target to stop "drunk" missile or random trajectory changes

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