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Ammo DamageScales

BDCarrillo edited this page Oct 31, 2024 · 17 revisions

Note that modifiers used in DamageScales are multiplicative and stack!

  • -1 = disabled
  • 0 = no damage
  • 0.5f = half damage
  • 1 = 100% of available damage
  • 2 = 200% of available damage
  • You can have any float you want, 0.01f to 10000 and higher if you desire


  • Any block with an integrity higher than this amount will be immune to damage. If you want to cap damage done to blocks, consider utilizing MaxAbsorb in AOE damage types or BaseDamageCutoff. See the CoreParts ammo def for more info.


  • Distance is measured as origin of the projectile to the current position. After the projectile has travelled your set distance, falloff will start to apply. MinMultiplier is a 0-1f field, -1 to disable, and sets how low the damage can drop. Falloff is proportional to max trajectory, starting after Distance, and stops once MinMultiplier is reached.
  • 0 is a valid distance entry!
  • For example: Weapon does 100 damage. MaxTrajectory is 1000. FallOff Distance is 500, MinMultiplier is 0.50. At 500m, the weapon would do 100 damage, and at 1000m it would do 50 damage. Between 500m and 1000m it would proportionally drop from 100 to 50 damage.

Block type modifiers

  • Armor: will apply to both Light and Heavy armor modifiers.
  • Light Armor/Heavy Armor: will apply to their respective types
  • NonArmor: Anything that isn't armor, such as batteries, LCD's, etc. Fatblocks, in general.

Stacking example

  • A SG Light Armor block can have FallOff, GridSize, Armor, and LightArmor multipliers applied to it
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