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Weapon Communications

BDCarrillo edited this page Dec 2, 2022 · 1 revision
                Communications = new CommunicationDef 
                    StoreTargets = false, // Pushes its current target to the grid/construct so that other slaved weapons can fire on it.
                    StorageLimit = 0, // The limit at which this weapon will no longer export targets onto the channel.
                    StorageLocation = "", // This location ID is used either by the master weapon (if ExportTargets = true) or the slave weapon (if its false).  This is shared across the conncted grids.
                    Mode = NoComms, // NoComms, BroadCast, LocalNetwork, Repeater, Relay, Jamming
                    TargetPersists = false, // Whether or not the weapon will retain its existing target even if the source of the target releases theirs.
                    Security = Private, // Public, Private, Secure
                    BroadCastChannel = "", // If defined you will broadcast to all other scanners on this channel.
                    BroadCastRange = 0, // This is the range that you will broadcast up too.  Note that this value applies to both the sender and receiver, both range requirements must be met. 
                    JammingStrength = 0, // If Mode is set to jamming, then this value will decrease the "range" of broadcasts.  Strength falls off at sqr of the distance.
                    RelayChannel = "", // If defined this channel will be used to relay any targets it seems on the broadcast channel.
                    RelayRange = 0, // This defines the range that any broadcasts will be relayed.  Note that this channel id is seen as the "broadcast" channel for all receivers, broadcast range requirements apply. 
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