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Electronic Warfare System

BDCarrillo edited this page May 19, 2024 · 21 revisions

Electronic Warfare System



Block Shutdown (These categories are the same as subsystem targeting)

  • Emp - any block capable of being powered
  • EnergySink - Power: Any power producer (SE also calls storage, like a battery, a power producer)
  • Offense - Offense: Turrets, fixed weapons, or warheads
  • Nav - Steering: Gyros and cockpits that you can control a ship from (this would exclude generic seats)
  • Anchor - Thrust: Thrusters, obviously. Weapon-based thrusters like afterburners will not be included in this category
  • JumpNull - Jumping: Jump Drives


  • Dot - Damage over time
  • AntiSmart - attracts Smart projectiles, like a decoy
  • AntiSmartv2 - attracts Smart projectiles with some different limits

Physics Effects (Uses Force = new PushPullDef values)

  • Tractor - pins target in place by applying forces
  • Pull - pulls target by applying forces
  • Push - pushes target by applying forces


  • Effect - Effects apply energy (from "strength") to their point of impact and grows as more hits come in. It would find the closest target block type to the point of impact and begin applying EWAR type up to the block integrity * max stacks. The effect would move to the next closest target block type until all are affected by EWAR type or the projectile runs out of energy. Normally effects are used for higher fire rate weapons/beams, to generate a cumulative EWAR type.

  • Field - Applies EWAR type to all blocks within a bubble. Field bubbles can grow in size over time to the specified radius. Additionally, fields reapply their EWAR type in pulses at a set rate, with a set percent chance to apply an effect. If a field isn't depletable, then it'll last until the projectile dies.

EWAR & Shield Interactions (verify)

EMP & DOT EWAR Field Effects, require the target Shields to be offline, to begin effecting the target grid.

All Other EWAR Effects, ignore shielding, and begin affecting the target grid through shields.

An Exception, is EWAR Beams, which bypass shields regardless of type.

EWAR Resistance / Stacking / Depletable

Every functional block has an EWAR resistance based on the blocks integrity. EWAR strength will deduct from that resistance (with damage modifiers applied). Only when the resistance reaches zero will the EWAR effect (except DOT, it applies regardless of block integrity) be applied.

The EWAR effect (except DOT) will be applied for the specified duration. You can control if the block can be hit multiple times with MaxStacks, and if the Duration of the EWAR effect should be cumulative (StackDuration = true)

If Depletable=true then the projectile's Health value determines how many times the effect can be applied. This does combine with MaxStacks, so if Depletable=true, Health=10, and MaxStacks=2 you could in theory apply an EWAR effect (including DOT) twice to 5 blocks. who knows on this one ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Anti Smart (original and v2)

-Must use the "Field" type (note that anti-smart will ignore grow time)

-EWAR radius is what captures the attention of missiles (not projectile size, since projectile size is only used for collisions)

-Pulsing can be used as a rand % chance of capturing the attention of a missile (PulseChance = 50, would equal a 50% chance). Note this is checked per pulse, per projectile.

-ORIGINAL: The anti-smart projectile must have a minimum of one health, zero will not work. The health of the anti-smart projectile decreases by 1 for each projectile that gets distracted, and the health mirrored over to an ewar base pool must be less than zero (deducting health hit modifier

-V2: The ewar "strength" field sets the amount of enemy projectile HP it can net (so ewar strength 30 could snag 5 torps at 6 hp). If there is insufficient strength remaining, it will not distract any more projectiles. This can also keep a strength 30 ewar projectile from distracting a 50 HP projectile.

Anti-Smart acts somewhat like a flare or similar countermeasure that attracts the attention of an incoming smart projectile. If an enemy smart projectile is ever within the EWAR radius of this "flare" it will retarget the "flare" and attempt to chase it down. Note that smart projectiles that have been fooled by a flare can never retarget grids.

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