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Wizard Lizard edited this page Feb 14, 2020 · 25 revisions

Welcome to the WeaponCore Wiki!

This page and its subpages will (hopefully within a reasonable time frame) be filled with general information to help Modders out!

In the meantime take a look at WeaponThread to get a general sense of how your files should be structured.

To set up the initial structure of your future WeaponCore mod, we suggest downloading WeaponThread, and moving the entirety of the "Scripts" folder into your own mods Data folder. You can then delete most of the files excluding "Masterconfig.cs" "scripts" and one weapon configuration file that you will modify to suit your needs. (Gatling.cs is probably the best because it contains all the currentr features)

Then, edit the configuration file, one of the first things to change is the "WeaponDefinition"

WeaponDefinition YourWeaponUniqueName => new WeaponDefinition

You can then take that weapon's unique name and put it in the masterconfig.cs file. This tells WeaponCore what weapons are active.

ConfigFiles( YourWeaponUniqueName );

More specific information can be found in the sidebar!

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