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Weapon Targeting and Hardpoint

BDCarrillo edited this page Sep 22, 2023 · 5 revisions


  • Threats are the target types the Turret will seek. The order of the Threats list also sets priority. If your Turret does not have a Threat type listed, players will not be able to enable or disable it in the control panel.

Subsystems and Decoys

  • Thrust: Thrusters

  • Jumping: Jump drives

  • Utility: Contains inactive Decoys, Cockpits, Upgrade Modules, and other minor items

  • Offense: Weapons

  • Power: Power producers or power storage blocks

  • Production: Refineries, Assemblers, and other production based items

  • Any, disables the Priority system, if it the only Subsystem available; It is any system, or block, in range. (please ask Kreeg for translation)

  • Decoys do not override targeting they merely add themselves to the randomized list of valid block targets in their subsystem group.

Target Distance

  • If MaxTargetDistance is left at 0, the AI maximum range will be determined by the MaxTrajectory of the first stage of the current ammo



Hardpoint AimLeadingPrediction types:

  • Off: No leading, fire straight at current target position.
  • Basic: Accounts for relative motion between firing and target grids, but not projectile acceleration time. Does not account for gravity.
  • Accurate: Accounts for relative motion between firing and target grids, but not projectile acceleration time. Accounts for gravity.
  • Advanced: Accounts for relative motion between firing and target grids, and projectile acceleration time. Accounts for gravity.
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