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556 lines (481 loc) · 47.8 KB

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Image (212) Text (130) Audio (15) Video (8) Industrial Application (1)
Image Classification (108) Text Generation (17) Voice Cloning (2) Video Classification (5) Meter Detection (1)
Image Generation (26) Word Embedding (62) Text to Speech (5) Video Editing (1) -
Keypoint Detection (5) Machine Translation (2) Automatic Speech Recognition (5) Multiple Object tracking (2) -
Semantic Segmentation (25) Language Model (30) Audio Classification (3) - -
Face Detection (7) Sentiment Analysis (7) - - -
Text Recognition (17) Syntactic Analysis (1) - - -
Image Editing (8) Simultaneous Translation (5) - - -
Instance Segmentation (1) Lexical Analysis (2) - - -
Object Detection (13) Punctuation Restoration (1) - - -
Depth Estimation (2) Text Review (3) - - -


  • Image Classification

module Network Dataset Introduction
DriverStatusRecognition MobileNetV3_small_ssld Drivers
mobilenet_v2_animals MobileNet_v2 Animals
repvgg_a1_imagenet RepVGG ImageNet-2012
repvgg_a0_imagenet RepVGG ImageNet-2012
resnext152_32x4d_imagenet ResNeXt ImageNet-2012
resnet_v2_152_imagenet ResNet V2 ImageNet-2012
resnet50_vd_animals ResNet50_vd Animals
food_classification ResNet50_vd_ssld dishes
mobilenet_v3_large_imagenet_ssld Mobilenet_v3_large ImageNet-2012
ghostnet_x1_3_imagenet_ssld GhostNet ImageNet-2012
rexnet_1_5_imagenet ReXNet ImageNet-2012
resnext50_64x4d_imagenet ResNeXt ImageNet-2012
resnext101_64x4d_imagenet ResNeXt ImageNet-2012
efficientnetb0_imagenet EfficientNet ImageNet-2012
efficientnetb1_imagenet EfficientNet ImageNet-2012
mobilenet_v2_imagenet_ssld Mobilenet_v2 ImageNet-2012
resnet50_vd_dishes ResNet50_vd dishes
pnasnet_imagenet PNASNet ImageNet-2012
rexnet_2_0_imagenet ReXNet ImageNet-2012
SnakeIdentification ResNet50_vd_ssld snakes
hrnet40_imagenet HRNet ImageNet-2012
resnet_v2_34_imagenet ResNet V2 ImageNet-2012
mobilenet_v2_dishes MobileNet_v2 dishes
resnext101_vd_32x4d_imagenet ResNeXt ImageNet-2012
repvgg_b2g4_imagenet RepVGG ImageNet-2012
fix_resnext101_32x48d_wsl_imagenet ResNeXt ImageNet-2012
vgg13_imagenet VGG ImageNet-2012
se_resnext101_32x4d_imagenet SE_ResNeXt ImageNet-2012
hrnet30_imagenet HRNet ImageNet-2012
ghostnet_x1_3_imagenet GhostNet ImageNet-2012
dpn107_imagenet DPN ImageNet-2012
densenet161_imagenet DenseNet ImageNet-2012
vgg19_imagenet vgg19_imagenet ImageNet-2012
mobilenet_v2_imagenet Mobilenet_v2 ImageNet-2012
resnet50_vd_10w ResNet_vd private
resnet_v2_101_imagenet ResNet V2 101 ImageNet-2012
darknet53_imagenet DarkNet ImageNet-2012
se_resnext50_32x4d_imagenet SE_ResNeXt ImageNet-2012
se_hrnet64_imagenet_ssld HRNet ImageNet-2012
resnext101_32x16d_wsl ResNeXt_wsl ImageNet-2012
hrnet18_imagenet HRNet ImageNet-2012
spinalnet_res101_gemstone resnet101 gemstone
densenet264_imagenet DenseNet ImageNet-2012
resnext50_vd_32x4d_imagenet ResNeXt_vd ImageNet-2012
spinalnet_vgg16_gemstone vgg16 gemstone
xception71_imagenet Xception ImageNet-2012
repvgg_b2_imagenet RepVGG ImageNet-2012
dpn68_imagenet DPN ImageNet-2012
alexnet_imagenet AlexNet ImageNet-2012
rexnet_1_3_imagenet ReXNet ImageNet-2012
hrnet64_imagenet HRNet ImageNet-2012
efficientnetb7_imagenet EfficientNet ImageNet-2012
efficientnetb0_small_imagenet EfficientNet ImageNet-2012
efficientnetb6_imagenet EfficientNet ImageNet-2012
hrnet48_imagenet HRNet ImageNet-2012
rexnet_3_0_imagenet ReXNet ImageNet-2012
shufflenet_v2_imagenet ShuffleNet V2 ImageNet-2012
ghostnet_x0_5_imagenet GhostNet ImageNet-2012
inception_v4_imagenet Inception_V4 ImageNet-2012
resnext101_vd_64x4d_imagenet ResNeXt_vd ImageNet-2012
densenet201_imagenet DenseNet ImageNet-2012
vgg16_imagenet VGG ImageNet-2012
mobilenet_v3_small_imagenet_ssld Mobilenet_v3_Small ImageNet-2012
hrnet18_imagenet_ssld HRNet ImageNet-2012
resnext152_64x4d_imagenet ResNeXt ImageNet-2012
efficientnetb3_imagenet EfficientNet ImageNet-2012
efficientnetb2_imagenet EfficientNet ImageNet-2012
repvgg_b1g4_imagenet RepVGG ImageNet-2012
resnext101_32x4d_imagenet ResNeXt ImageNet-2012
resnext50_32x4d_imagenet ResNeXt ImageNet-2012
repvgg_a2_imagenet RepVGG ImageNet-2012
resnext152_vd_64x4d_imagenet ResNeXt_vd ImageNet-2012
xception41_imagenet Xception ImageNet-2012
googlenet_imagenet GoogleNet ImageNet-2012
resnet50_vd_imagenet_ssld ResNet_vd ImageNet-2012
repvgg_b1_imagenet RepVGG ImageNet-2012
repvgg_b0_imagenet RepVGG ImageNet-2012
resnet_v2_50_imagenet ResNet V2 ImageNet-2012
rexnet_1_0_imagenet ReXNet ImageNet-2012
resnet_v2_18_imagenet ResNet V2 ImageNet-2012
resnext101_32x8d_wsl ResNeXt_wsl ImageNet-2012
efficientnetb4_imagenet EfficientNet ImageNet-2012
efficientnetb5_imagenet EfficientNet ImageNet-2012
repvgg_b1g2_imagenet RepVGG ImageNet-2012
resnext101_32x48d_wsl ResNeXt_wsl ImageNet-2012
resnet50_vd_wildanimals ResNet_vd IFAW wild animals
nasnet_imagenet NASNet ImageNet-2012
spinalnet_res50_gemstone resnet50 gemstone
resnext50_vd_64x4d_imagenet ResNeXt_vd ImageNet-2012
resnext101_32x32d_wsl ResNeXt_wsl ImageNet-2012
dpn131_imagenet DPN ImageNet-2012
xception65_imagenet Xception ImageNet-2012
repvgg_b3g4_imagenet RepVGG ImageNet-2012
marine_biometrics ResNet50_vd_ssld Fish4Knowledge
res2net101_vd_26w_4s_imagenet Res2Net ImageNet-2012
dpn98_imagenet DPN ImageNet-2012
resnet18_vd_imagenet ResNet_vd ImageNet-2012
densenet121_imagenet DenseNet ImageNet-2012
vgg11_imagenet VGG ImageNet-2012
hrnet44_imagenet HRNet ImageNet-2012
densenet169_imagenet DenseNet ImageNet-2012
hrnet32_imagenet HRNet ImageNet-2012
dpn92_imagenet DPN ImageNet-2012
ghostnet_x1_0_imagenet GhostNet ImageNet-2012
hrnet48_imagenet_ssld HRNet ImageNet-2012
  • Image Generation

module Network Dataset Introduction Huggingface Spaces Demo
pixel2style2pixel Pixel2Style2Pixel - human face
stgan_bald STGAN CelebA stgan_bald Hugging Face Spaces
styleganv2_editing StyleGAN V2 - human face editing
wav2lip wav2lip LRS2 wav2lip Hugging Face Spaces
attgan_celeba AttGAN Celeba human face editing
cyclegan_cityscapes CycleGAN Cityscapes cyclegan_cityscapes
stargan_celeba StarGAN Celeba human face editing
stgan_celeba STGAN Celeba human face editing
ID_Photo_GEN HRNet_W18 - ID_Photo_GEN
Photo2Cartoon U-GAT-IT cartoon_data cartoon Hugging Face Spaces
U2Net_Portrait U^2Net - Portrait
UGATIT_100w U-GAT-IT selfie2anime selfie2anime
UGATIT_83w U-GAT-IT selfie2anime selfie2anime
UGATIT_92w U-GAT-IT selfie2anime selfie2anime
animegan_v1_hayao_60 AnimeGAN The Wind Rises animegan_v1_hayao Hugging Face Spaces
animegan_v2_hayao_64 AnimeGAN The Wind Rises animegan_v1_hayao Hugging Face Spaces
animegan_v2_hayao_99 AnimeGAN The Wind Rises animegan_v1_hayao Hugging Face Spaces
animegan_v2_paprika_54 AnimeGAN Paprika animegan_v2_paprika Hugging Face Spaces
animegan_v2_paprika_74 AnimeGAN Paprika animegan_v2_paprika Hugging Face Spaces
animegan_v2_paprika_97 AnimeGAN Paprika animegan_v2_paprika Hugging Face Spaces
animegan_v2_paprika_98 AnimeGAN Paprika animegan_v2_paprika Hugging Face Spaces
animegan_v2_shinkai_33 AnimeGAN Your Name, Weathering with you animegan_v2_shinkai Hugging Face Spaces
animegan_v2_shinkai_53 AnimeGAN Your Name, Weathering with you animegan_v2_shinkai Hugging Face Spaces
msgnet msgnet COCO2014 Hugging Face Spaces
stylepro_artistic StyleProNet MS-COCO + WikiArt stylepro_artistic Hugging Face Spaces
stylegan_ffhq StyleGAN FFHQ stylepro_artistic
  • Keypoint Detection

module Network Dataset Introduction
face_landmark_localization Face_Landmark AFW/AFLW Face_Landmark
hand_pose_localization - MPII, NZSL hand_pose_localization
openpose_body_estimation two-branch multi-stage CNN MPII, COCO 2016 openpose_body_estimation
human_pose_estimation_resnet50_mpii Pose_Resnet50 MPII human_pose_estimation
openpose_hands_estimation - MPII, NZSL openpose_hands_estimation
  • Semantic Segmentation

module Network Dataset Introduction
deeplabv3p_xception65_humanseg deeplabv3p - humanseg
humanseg_server deeplabv3p - humanseg
humanseg_mobile hrnet - humanseg
humanseg_lite shufflenet - humanseg
ExtremeC3_Portrait_Segmentation ExtremeC3 EG1800, Baidu fashion dataset humanseg
SINet_Portrait_Segmentation SINet EG1800, Baidu fashion dataset humanseg
FCN_HRNet_W18_Face_Seg FCN_HRNet_W18 - humanseg
Pneumonia_CT_LKM_PP U-NET+ - Pneumonia_CT
Pneumonia_CT_LKM_PP_lung U-NET+ - Pneumonia_CT
ocrnet_hrnetw18_voc ocrnet, hrnet PascalVoc2012
U2Net U^2Net - U2Net
U2Netp U^2Net - U2Net
Extract_Line_Draft UNet Pixiv Extract_Line_Draft
unet_cityscapes UNet cityscapes
ocrnet_hrnetw18_cityscapes ocrnet_hrnetw18 cityscapes
hardnet_cityscapes hardnet cityscapes
fcn_hrnetw48_voc fcn_hrnetw48 PascalVoc2012
fcn_hrnetw48_cityscapes fcn_hrnetw48 cityscapes
fcn_hrnetw18_voc fcn_hrnetw18 PascalVoc2012
fcn_hrnetw18_cityscapes fcn_hrnetw18 cityscapes
fastscnn_cityscapes fastscnn cityscapes
deeplabv3p_resnet50_voc deeplabv3p, resnet50 PascalVoc2012
deeplabv3p_resnet50_cityscapes deeplabv3p, resnet50 cityscapes
bisenetv2_cityscapes bisenetv2 cityscapes
  • Face Detection

module Network Dataset Introduction
pyramidbox_lite_mobile PyramidBox WIDER FACE face_detection
pyramidbox_lite_mobile_mask PyramidBox WIDER FACE face_detection
pyramidbox_lite_server_mask PyramidBox WIDER FACE face_detection
ultra_light_fast_generic_face_detector_1mb_640 Ultra-Light-Fast-Generic-Face-Detector-1MB WIDER FACE face_detection
ultra_light_fast_generic_face_detector_1mb_320 Ultra-Light-Fast-Generic-Face-Detector-1MB WIDER FACE face_detection
pyramidbox_lite_server PyramidBox WIDER FACE face_detection
pyramidbox_face_detection PyramidBox WIDER FACE face_detection
  • Text Recognition

module Network Dataset Introduction Huggingface Spaces Demo
chinese_ocr_db_crnn_mobile Differentiable Binarization+RCNN icdar2015 Chinese text recognition Hugging Face Spaces
chinese_text_detection_db_mobile Differentiable Binarization icdar2015 Chinese text Detection
chinese_text_detection_db_server Differentiable Binarization icdar2015 Chinese text Detection
chinese_ocr_db_crnn_server Differentiable Binarization+RCNN icdar2015 Chinese text recognition Hugging Face Spaces
Vehicle_License_Plate_Recognition - CCPD Vehicle license plate recognition
chinese_cht_ocr_db_crnn_mobile Differentiable Binarization+CRNN icdar2015 Traditional Chinese text Detection
japan_ocr_db_crnn_mobile Differentiable Binarization+CRNN icdar2015 Japanese text recognition
korean_ocr_db_crnn_mobile Differentiable Binarization+CRNN icdar2015 Korean text recognition
german_ocr_db_crnn_mobile Differentiable Binarization+CRNN icdar2015 German text recognition
french_ocr_db_crnn_mobile Differentiable Binarization+CRNN icdar2015 French text recognition
latin_ocr_db_crnn_mobile Differentiable Binarization+CRNN icdar2015 Latin text recognition
cyrillic_ocr_db_crnn_mobile Differentiable Binarization+CRNN icdar2015 Cyrillic text recognition
multi_languages_ocr_db_crnn Differentiable Binarization+RCNN icdar2015 Multi languages text recognition
kannada_ocr_db_crnn_mobile Differentiable Binarization+CRNN icdar2015 Kannada text recognition
arabic_ocr_db_crnn_mobile Differentiable Binarization+CRNN icdar2015 Arabic text recognition
telugu_ocr_db_crnn_mobile Differentiable Binarization+CRNN icdar2015 Telugu text recognition
devanagari_ocr_db_crnn_mobile Differentiable Binarization+CRNN icdar2015 Devanagari text recognition
tamil_ocr_db_crnn_mobile Differentiable Binarization+CRNN icdar2015 Tamil text recognition
  • Image Editing

module Network Dataset Introduction Huggingface Spaces Demo
realsr LP-KPN RealSR dataset Image / Video super-resolution
deoldify GAN ILSVRC 2012 Black-and-white image / video colorization Hugging Face Spaces
photo_restoration deoldify + realsr - Old photo restoration
user_guided_colorization siggraph ILSVRC 2012 User guided colorization
falsr_c falsr_c DIV2k Lightweight super resolution - 2x
dcscn dcscn DIV2k Lightweight super resolution - 2x
falsr_a falsr_a DIV2k Lightweight super resolution - 2x
falsr_b falsr_b DIV2k Lightweight super resolution - 2x
  • Instance Segmentation

module Network Dataset Introduction
solov2 - COCO2014 Instance segmentation
  • Object Detection

module Network Dataset Introduction
faster_rcnn_resnet50_coco2017 faster_rcnn COCO2017
ssd_vgg16_512_coco2017 SSD COCO2017
faster_rcnn_resnet50_fpn_venus faster_rcnn Baidu self built dataset Large-scale general detection
yolov3_resnet34_coco2017 YOLOv3 COCO2017
yolov3_darknet53_pedestrian YOLOv3 Baidu Self built large-scale pedestrian dataset Pedestrian Detection
yolov3_mobilenet_v1_coco2017 YOLOv3 COCO2017
ssd_mobilenet_v1_pascal SSD PASCAL VOC
faster_rcnn_resnet50_fpn_coco2017 faster_rcnn COCO2017
yolov3_darknet53_coco2017 YOLOv3 COCO2017
yolov3_darknet53_vehicles YOLOv3 Baidu Self built large-scale vehicles dataset vehicles Detection
yolov3_darknet53_venus YOLOv3 Baidu self built datasetset Large-scale general detection
yolov3_resnet50_vd_coco2017 YOLOv3 COCO2017
  • Depth Estimation

module Network Dataset Introduction Huggingface Spaces Demo
MiDaS_Large - 3D Movies, WSVD, ReDWeb, MegaDepth Hugging Face Spaces
MiDaS_Small - 3D Movies, WSVD, ReDWeb, MegaDepth, etc. Hugging Face Spaces
  • Text_to_Image

module Network Dataset Introduction Huggingface Spaces Demo
disco_diffusion_clip_rn101 - Open domain multi round dataset text_to_image
ernie_vilg - Open domain multi round dataset text_to_image Hugging Face Spaces
stable_diffusion_img2img - Open domain multi round dataset img2img


  • Text Generation

module Network Dataset Introduction
ernie_gen ERNIE-GEN - Pre-training finetuning framework for generating tasks
ernie_gen_poetry ERNIE-GEN Open source poetry dataset Poetry generation
ernie_gen_couplet ERNIE-GEN Open source couplet dataset Couplet generation
ernie_gen_lover_words ERNIE-GEN Online love poems and love talk data Love word generation
ernie_tiny_couplet Eernie_tiny Open source couplet dataset Couplet generation
ernie_gen_acrostic_poetry ERNIE-GEN Open source poetry dataset Acrostic poetry Generation
Rumor_prediction - Sina Weibo Chinese rumor data Rumor prediction
plato-mini Unified Transformer Billion level Chinese conversation data Chinese dialogue
plato2_en_large plato2 Open domain multi round dataset Super large scale generative dialogue
plato2_en_base plato2 Open domain multi round dataset Super large scale generative dialogue
CPM_LM GPT-2 Self built dataset Chinese text generation
unified_transformer-12L-cn Unified Transformer Ten million level Chinese conversation data Man machine multi round dialogue
unified_transformer-12L-cn-luge Unified Transformer dialogue dataset Man machine multi round dialogue
reading_pictures_writing_poems Multi network cascade - Look at pictures and write poems
GPT2_CPM_LM Q&A text generation
GPT2_Base_CN Q&A text generation
  • Word Embedding

module Network Dataset Introduction
w2v_weibo_target_word-bigram_dim300 w2v weibo
w2v_baidu_encyclopedia_target_word-ngram_1-2_dim300 w2v baidu_encyclopedia
w2v_literature_target_word-word_dim300 w2v literature
word2vec_skipgram skip-gram Baidu self built dataset
w2v_sogou_target_word-char_dim300 w2v sogou
w2v_weibo_target_bigram-char_dim300 w2v weibo
w2v_zhihu_target_word-bigram_dim300 w2v zhihu
w2v_financial_target_word-word_dim300 w2v financial
w2v_wiki_target_word-word_dim300 w2v wiki
w2v_baidu_encyclopedia_context_word-word_dim300 w2v baidu_encyclopedia
w2v_weibo_target_word-word_dim300 w2v weibo
w2v_zhihu_target_bigram-char_dim300 w2v zhihu
w2v_zhihu_target_word-word_dim300 w2v zhihu
w2v_people_daily_target_word-char_dim300 w2v people_daily
w2v_sikuquanshu_target_word-word_dim300 w2v sikuquanshu
glove_twitter_target_word-word_dim200_en fasttext twitter
fasttext_crawl_target_word-word_dim300_en fasttext crawl
w2v_wiki_target_word-bigram_dim300 w2v wiki
w2v_baidu_encyclopedia_context_word-character_char1-1_dim300 w2v baidu_encyclopedia
glove_wiki2014-gigaword_target_word-word_dim300_en glove wiki2014-gigaword
glove_wiki2014-gigaword_target_word-word_dim50_en glove wiki2014-gigaword
w2v_baidu_encyclopedia_context_word-ngram_2-2_dim300 w2v baidu_encyclopedia
w2v_wiki_target_bigram-char_dim300 w2v wiki
w2v_baidu_encyclopedia_target_word-character_char1-1_dim300 w2v baidu_encyclopedia
w2v_financial_target_bigram-char_dim300 w2v financial
glove_wiki2014-gigaword_target_word-word_dim200_en glove wiki2014-gigaword
w2v_financial_target_word-bigram_dim300 w2v financial
w2v_mixed-large_target_word-char_dim300 w2v mixed
w2v_baidu_encyclopedia_target_word-wordPosition_dim300 w2v baidu_encyclopedia
w2v_baidu_encyclopedia_context_word-ngram_1-3_dim300 w2v baidu_encyclopedia
w2v_baidu_encyclopedia_target_word-wordLR_dim300 w2v baidu_encyclopedia
w2v_sogou_target_bigram-char_dim300 w2v sogou
w2v_weibo_target_word-char_dim300 w2v weibo
w2v_people_daily_target_word-word_dim300 w2v people_daily
w2v_zhihu_target_word-char_dim300 w2v zhihu
w2v_wiki_target_word-char_dim300 w2v wiki
w2v_sogou_target_word-bigram_dim300 w2v sogou
w2v_financial_target_word-char_dim300 w2v financial
w2v_baidu_encyclopedia_target_word-ngram_1-3_dim300 w2v baidu_encyclopedia
glove_wiki2014-gigaword_target_word-word_dim100_en glove wiki2014-gigaword
w2v_baidu_encyclopedia_target_word-character_char1-4_dim300 w2v baidu_encyclopedia
w2v_sogou_target_word-word_dim300 w2v sogou
w2v_literature_target_word-char_dim300 w2v literature
w2v_baidu_encyclopedia_target_bigram-char_dim300 w2v baidu_encyclopedia
w2v_baidu_encyclopedia_target_word-word_dim300 w2v baidu_encyclopedia
glove_twitter_target_word-word_dim100_en glove crawl
w2v_baidu_encyclopedia_target_word-ngram_2-2_dim300 w2v baidu_encyclopedia
w2v_baidu_encyclopedia_context_word-character_char1-4_dim300 w2v baidu_encyclopedia
w2v_literature_target_bigram-char_dim300 w2v literature
fasttext_wiki-news_target_word-word_dim300_en fasttext wiki-news
w2v_people_daily_target_word-bigram_dim300 w2v people_daily
w2v_mixed-large_target_word-word_dim300 w2v mixed
w2v_people_daily_target_bigram-char_dim300 w2v people_daily
w2v_literature_target_word-bigram_dim300 w2v literature
glove_twitter_target_word-word_dim25_en glove twitter
w2v_baidu_encyclopedia_context_word-ngram_1-2_dim300 w2v baidu_encyclopedia
w2v_sikuquanshu_target_word-bigram_dim300 w2v sikuquanshu
w2v_baidu_encyclopedia_context_word-character_char1-2_dim300 w2v baidu_encyclopedia
glove_twitter_target_word-word_dim50_en glove twitter
w2v_baidu_encyclopedia_context_word-wordLR_dim300 w2v baidu_encyclopedia
w2v_baidu_encyclopedia_target_word-character_char1-2_dim300 w2v baidu_encyclopedia
w2v_baidu_encyclopedia_context_word-wordPosition_dim300 w2v baidu_encyclopedia
  • Machine Translation

module Network Dataset Introduction
transformer_zh-en Transformer CWMT2021 中文译英文
transformer_en-de Transformer WMT14 EN-DE 英文译德文
  • Language Model

module Network Dataset Introduction
roberta-wwm-ext-large roberta-wwm-ext-large Baidu self built dataset
chinese-bert-wwm-ext chinese-bert-wwm-ext Baidu self built dataset
lda_webpage LDA Baidu Self built Web Page Domain Dataset
ernie_v2_eng_base ernie_v2_eng_base Baidu self built dataset
chinese-bert-wwm chinese-bert-wwm Baidu self built dataset
roberta-wwm-ext roberta-wwm-ext Baidu self built dataset
ernie ernie-1.0 Baidu self built dataset
simnet_bow BOW Baidu self built dataset
ernie_tiny ernie_tiny Baidu self built dataset
bert-base-chinese bert-base-chinese Baidu self built dataset
lda_news LDA Baidu Self built News Field Dataset
ernie_v2_eng_large ernie_v2_eng_large Baidu self built dataset
  • Sentiment Analysis

module Network Dataset Introduction Huggingface Spaces Demo
ernie_skep_sentiment_analysis SKEP Baidu self built dataset Sentence level sentiment analysis
emotion_detection_textcnn TextCNN Baidu self built dataset Dialogue emotion detection
senta_bilstm BiLSTM Baidu self built dataset Chinesesentiment analysis Hugging Face Spaces
senta_bow BOW Baidu self built dataset Chinese sentiment analysis
senta_gru GRU Baidu self built dataset Chinese sentiment analysis
senta_lstm LSTM Baidu self built dataset Chinese sentiment analysis
senta_cnn CNN Baidu self built dataset Chinese sentiment analysis
  • Syntactic Analysis

module Network Dataset Introduction
DDParser Deep Biaffine Attention Search query, web text, voice input and other data Syntactic analysis
  • Simultaneous Translation

module Network Dataset Introduction
transformer_nist_wait_1 transformer NIST 2008 Chinese to English - wait-1
transformer_nist_wait_3 transformer NIST 2008 Chinese to English - wait-3
transformer_nist_wait_5 transformer NIST 2008 Chinese to English - wait-5
transformer_nist_wait_7 transformer NIST 2008 Chinese to English - wait-7
transformer_nist_wait_all transformer NIST 2008 Chinese to English - waitk=-1
  • Lexical Analysis

module Network Dataset Introduction Huggingface Spaces Demo
jieba_paddle BiGRU+CRF Baidu self built dataset Jieba uses Paddle to build a word segmentation network (two-way GRU). At the same time, it supports traditional word segmentation methods of jieba, such as precise mode, full mode, search engine mode, etc.
lac BiGRU+CRF Baidu self built dataset The lexical analysis model jointly developed by Baidu can complete the tasks of Chinese word segmentation, part of speech tagging and proper name recognition as a whole. Evaluated on Baidu self built dataset, LAC effect: Precision=88.0%, Recall=88.7%, F1 Score=88.4%. Hugging Face Spaces
  • Punctuation Restoration

module Network Dataset Introduction
auto_punc Ernie-1.0 WuDaoCorpora 2.0 Automatically add 7 punctuation marks
  • Text Review

module Network Dataset Introduction
porn_detection_cnn CNN Baidu self built dataset Pornography detection, automatically identify whether the text is pornographic and give the corresponding confidence, and identify pornographic descriptions, vulgar friends, and dirty documents in the text
porn_detection_gru GRU Baidu self built dataset Pornography detection, automatically identify whether the text is pornographic and give the corresponding confidence, and identify pornographic descriptions, vulgar friends, and dirty documents in the text
porn_detection_lstm LSTM Baidu self built dataset Pornography detection, automatically identify whether the text is pornographic and give the corresponding confidence, and identify pornographic descriptions, vulgar friends, and dirty documents in the text


  • Voice cloning

module Network Dataset Introduction
ge2e_fastspeech2_pwgan FastSpeech2 AISHELL-3 Chinese speech cloning
lstm_tacotron2 LSTM、Tacotron2、WaveFlow AISHELL-3 Chinese speech cloning
  • Text to Speech

module Network Dataset Introduction
transformer_tts_ljspeech Transformer LJSpeech-1.1 English speech synthesis
fastspeech_ljspeech FastSpeech LJSpeech-1.1 English speech synthesis
fastspeech2_baker FastSpeech2 Chinese Standard Mandarin Speech Copus Chinese speech synthesis
fastspeech2_ljspeech FastSpeech2 LJSpeech-1.1 English speech synthesis
deepvoice3_ljspeech DeepVoice3 LJSpeech-1.1 English speech synthesis
  • Automatic Speech Recognition

module Network Dataset Introduction
deepspeech2_aishell DeepSpeech2 AISHELL-1 Chinese Speech Recognition
deepspeech2_librispeech DeepSpeech2 LibriSpeech English Speech Recognition
u2_conformer_aishell Conformer AISHELL-1 Chinese Speech Recognition
u2_conformer_wenetspeech Conformer WenetSpeech Chinese Speech Recognition
u2_conformer_librispeech Conformer LibriSpeech English Speech Recognition
  • Audio Classification

module Network Dataset Introduction
panns_cnn6 PANNs Google Audioset It mainly includes 4 convolution layers and 2 full connection layers, and the model parameter is 4.5M. After pre-training, it can be used to extract the embbedding of audio. The dimension is 512
panns_cnn14 PANNs Google Audioset It mainly includes 4 convolution layers and 2 full connection layers, and the model parameter is 4.5M. After pre-training, it can be used to extract the embbedding of audio. The dimension is 2048
panns_cnn10 PANNs Google Audioset It mainly includes 4 convolution layers and 2 full connection layers, and the model parameter is 4.5M. After pre-training, it can be used to extract the embbedding of audio. The dimension is 512


  • Video Classification

module Network Dataset Introduction
videotag_tsn_lstm TSN + AttentionLSTM Baidu self built dataset Short-video classification
tsn_kinetics400 TSN Kinetics-400 Video classification
tsm_kinetics400 TSM Kinetics-400 Video classification
stnet_kinetics400 StNet Kinetics-400 Video classification
nonlocal_kinetics400 Non-local Kinetics-400 Video classification
  • Video Editing

module Network Dataset Introduction
SkyAR UNet UNet Video sky Replacement
  • Multiple Object tracking

module Network Dataset Introduction
fairmot_dla34 CenterNet Caltech Pedestrian+CityPersons+CUHK-SYSU+PRW+ETHZ+MOT17 Realtime multiple object tracking
jde_darknet53 YOLOv3 Caltech Pedestrian+CityPersons+CUHK-SYSU+PRW+ETHZ+MOT17 object tracking with both accuracy and speed

Industrial Application

  • Meter Detection

module Network Dataset Introduction
WatermeterSegmentation DeepLabV3 Water meter dataset Water meter segmentation