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Working with CSV file for uploading

Anjana Rupakheti edited this page Mar 6, 2019 · 2 revisions

General rules to be followed while filling in the CSV file

The concepts and rules for each element is the same as rules mentioned before. So just follow the same concept as you would while using AidStream. The activities being uploaded have to be unique, you can't upload the same activity twice

templete format

  • When use the CSV file you can use multiple rows for the same activity by using the method shown in the picture. By leaving space between two activities you can allocate more cells for an activity.

Point to be noted

  • Dates should be in the format yy/mm/dd
  • The header of the template should not be edited or deleted.
  • The cell must be left empty if there is no data for the related heading.

Uploading activities

csv importer uploadetc

Once you have created the file to be uploaded, go to the upload page and and go to the ‘choose file’ button and upload your file. Make sure the format is CSV and the structure of the template has not been altered beyond accepted limits.

image 1

If your file has been made correctly then it ends up in the valid section. Now you can add the activity by selecting the valid activities and importing them(top right hand corner). If there are mistakes then the file ends up in the invalid section. If you click on your activity on the invalid section csv importer invalid

The reason why your upload is invalid will also be shown, implement the changes and upload the file again and get a valid file for import.

Uploading results

To upload results you have to go to a particular activity and then the steps to import results is same as uploading activities above.

How to use the mass import option for uploading activities

How to use the mass import option for uploading results

View creating an activity with AidStream/Form to understand all the elements

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