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Ricardo M. Ferraz Leal edited this page Apr 11, 2019 · 4 revisions


Become aware of and familiar with all aspects of contributing and developing to the SasView project

  • Lower the “fear of the unknown” barrier to getting started (by knowing rather than guessing at what is involved)
  • A basic understanding of “what/how I might be able to contribute”
  • Where to go to get started. Where to find information, who to talk to etc.


2h 45 min + 15 min of final question and discussion

Paul Butler - 25 min + 5 min questions

  • Welcome and intro = All the areas are important (hard core coding, documentation, checking math, testing that we get the right answers, testing usability and against crashes, responding to help requests)…
  • goals and outline
  • Demo of existing functionality - going through all the menu items and buttons
  • Questions/discussion

Andrew Jackson - 20 min + 5 min questions

  • Getting Help and Bug reporting — tickets (user list, help@) - Needs: reporting bugs and responders to queries (from “how do i” to “why does my model not fit my data”)
  • How to write and distribute a model and the model marketplace. Needs: contributing models
  • Questions/discussion

Wojciech Potrzebowski - 35 min + 5 min questions

  • Code structure (where bits live) - Needs: contributing non model code and testing and validation
    • Overview - SasView, sasmodels, bumps
    • SasView
      • sasGUI
      • sasCalc
    • sasmodels
  • Questions/discussion

Stephen King and Paul Butler - 20 min + 5 min questions

  • Documentation - Needs: contributing documentation
    • Overview
      • Use Sphinx to build both dev and user
      • Uses RST and Latex - currently builds html but plan for a pdf also
    • Dev - Needs: lots of doc strings still missing
      • docstrings at the start of “each” class and method
    • User - Needs: never finished
      • Each section has an RST file (and images as appropriate)
      • Models = the first doc string in the file is scraped to go into model documentation
      • 1 min - Tutorial …. Need a new one - Needs: help developing tutorial materials
  • Questions/discussion

Andrew Jackson and Wojciech Potrzebowski - 40 min + 5 min questions

  • “Dev ops”
    • Basic concepts in version control - EVERYTHING is under version control!!
    • Git code hosting
      • Concepts in version control (repos, cloning, branching (vs. forking - baaaad), committing (with comments),pull requests, code review
      • Setting notifications etc
    • “show me the code”- Needs: developers of all stripes = architecture, GPU, math whiz, sysadmins, …
      • Git code repos (all of them), branches, stats… and CODE
      • Compiling/ and local environment
      • Py2exe and Ino → installer
      • CI - eventually NOT local environment - real test is final build
        • Travis
        • Jenkins
      • Progress —>trac → ticket → work
        • Trac wiki
        • Trac tickets, milestones, workpackages, roadmap (trac version)
  • Questions/discussion



  • Scripting language for fit constraints - SUPPORTED (MOSTLY .. still a bit of WIP) using python
  • Checkpoints for fitting results - TICKET EXISTS - should it be a higher priority? Who can do it?
  • Subtraction of the parameter as Sylvian suggested - NOT CURRENTLY CONSIDERED EXACTLY (full decomposition is being considered currently)
  • Generic scattering calculation - where does sld come from? Does it include all Hs? Does it account for exchange of H? - CURRENTLY JUST AS IS PDB
  • Allow step files (cad format) as input to Generic scattering calculation - NOT CURRENTLY CONSIDERED, but would be a very good idea if we put effort on G. scatterring.
  • Chain fitting does not all sorting the order of the files making it not very useful - BUG
  • Generate PDF file from sasmodels docs - WIP
  • For some applications one needs to use the complex contrast - NOT CURRENTLY SUPPORTED - in discussion
  • q vector out of detector plane (out of Ewald sphere): is this treated correctly? - NOT CURRENTLY SUPPORTED
  • Perform all operations where the value is independent of the q values before going into the loop computing Iqs - A LOT IS DONE — more could be
  • Simulation code to be removed - TO BE DONE .. not top priority
  • Supply ascii file of test date used in the sasmodel documentation png file as part of model documentation. - SHOULD BE LOW HANGING FRUIT?
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