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Paul Butler edited this page Oct 13, 2019 · 11 revisions

Code Camp IX

The ninth SasView Code Camp was be held in Grenoble, France starting March 25th 2019.

Planning details are on the Planning Page


All the photos from the code camp can be found here: ​SasView Code Camp IX

Workgroups/Work topics

The following is a list of proposed areas pulled from current tickets, work packages, and recent discussions and feedback on major areas of interest. Should you have requests please let the management team know! These can serve as a starting point for organizing the workflow at Code Camp but the participants ultimately will decide what they can/desire to contribute. In that vein, here there is a list of suggestions and you should look at the work and decide where your talents are best employed if you don't already have a specific project you came to work on.

Topic Owner Participants Relevant Tickets etc
Sasview 5.0 Package (check and close tickets, fix bugs, etc) Piotr Rozyczko Piotr, Miguel, Washington, Breßler, Heenan, Ford 5.0 Ticket
Models Package (new, check, fix, docs etc) Paul Butler Paul, Miguel, Honecker, Dresen, Liu, Li, Cheng, Ford Model Tickets
Beta Approximation Package Richard Heenan Liu, Heenan, Ford Beta Approximation Project Tickets
Tutorials & Documentation Package Steve King Steve, Paul B. Documentation Tickets
McSAS integration package Ingo Breßler Breßler, (Pauw) McSAS tickets
SasView Publication Database Package Jeff Krzywon Krzywon(remotely) SasView/sasview#617
Magnetic Scattering/pol beam Package Honecker, Dresen, (Maranville) Magnetic SANS
SysAdmin Package (FIX mail archive, move to new DANSE machine, fix twitter and slack feeds, Trac→GitHub migration, etc) Andrew Jackson Jackson, Wojciech, Snow Support Infrastructure Tickets
Bug Fixing SPRINT? EVERYONE? Bug Tickets

Work Done

Tickets Created and Addressed During the Code Camp

Milestone: SasView 5.0.0 (5 matches)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
SasView/sasmodels#199 Prefactor calculation when there are both P(Q) and S(Q) yunliu yunliu
SasView/sasview#1272 Problem with non latin characters in username piotr butler
SasView/sasview#1122 multiple scattering pkienzle
SasView/sasview#791 Add GUI triggers for compare, docview and user tests from the plugin editor. pkienzle
SasView/sasview#242 Plots should be linked to fits. ajjackson

Milestone: SasView 4.2.2 (2 matches)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
SasView/sasview#1283 duplicate Default parameters for RPA model are generating an invalid example plot smk78
SasView/sasview#1276 fixed Clarify no longer any pure python orientation/magnetism plugin support in docs smk78 smk78

Milestone: Admin Tasks (8 matches)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
SasView/sasview#1284 fixed Recreate missing mailing list archives from personal mailbox ajj ajj
SasView/sasview#1279 Migration from trac wiki to GitHub wiki ricardo ajj
SasView/sasview#1278 Migration from Trac to GitHub issues ricardo ajj
SasView/sasview#1090 fixed Finalise user mailing list move and close old mailing lists ajj
SasView/sasview#811 Move All Package Dependencies to a Single Place piotr ajj
SasView/sasview#697 Update check_packages to flag required package versions tim smk78
SasView/sasview#617 Create web page / section with list of publications using SasView. krzywon ajj
SasView/sasview#394 Fix problem with with dire install warnings from OS piotr butler

Milestone: SasView 4.3.0 (24 matches)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
SasView/sasview#1286 matplotlib has remove hold() method pkienzle
SasView/sasmodels#200 Form factor for two correlated spherical particles Tianfu Tianfu
SasView/sasview#1285 Change source links in model docs to local paths smk78
SasView/sasview#1281 In 4.2 polydisperse hollow_cylinder @S(Q) fails pkienzle richardh
SasView/sasview#1280 vesicle @ structure_factor incorrect pkienzle
SasView/sasview#1277 Windows does not pull in build number butler
SasView/sasview#1266 wontfix Many models do not have their equation in the documentation butler
SasView/sasmodels#188 wontfix S(Q) models need function descriptions in documentation butler
SasView/sasview#1193 fixed document limits on parameter ranges for Hayter-Penfold structure factor pkienzle
SasView/sasmodels#178 fixed "Writing a Plugin Model" does not explain function "random" Joachim Wuttke
SasView/sasmodels#177 Doubts about Onion Doc Joachim Wuttke
SasView/sasview#1137 verify and document up_frac_i and up_frac_f calculations for magnetic models pkienzle
SasView/sasview#1135 Reproducible thread error in bumps on Mac OS wojciech smk78
SasView/sasview#1115 Remove camel case from unified_power_Rg butler smk78
SasView/sasview#1084 opencl memory errors during fits pkienzle
SasView/sasview#1072 wontfix Should we use Dispersity instead of Polydispersity/Monodispersity? smk78
SasView/sasview#1010 Provide new tutorial materials smk78
SasView/sasmodels#146 fixed Add link to source code of each model to model documentation smk78 ajj
SasView/sasview#968 fixed Add notes to doc about fitting integer parameters smk78 pkienzle
SasView/sasmodels#145 autogenerated plot in doc for rpa is not helpful butler
SasView/sasmodels#143 hayter_msa S(Q) - possible limitations or numerical instabilities richardh
SasView/sasview#928 fixed Improve smearing help smk78 smk78
SasView/sasmodels#137 Create proper Unit Testing directory structure for SasModels richardh piotr
SasView/sasmodels#106 fixed Check all model documentation for standardization butler butler

Milestone: SasView 5.1.0 (5 matches)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
SasView/sasview#1290 Use resolution calculator to define dqx/dqy for fit page pkienzle
SasView/sasview#1289 Add McSAS as optimizer ibressler ibressler
SasView/sasview#1288 build fitting options from optimizer defaults automatically ibressler ibressler
SasView/sasview#1287 abstract optimizer handling ibressler ibressler
SasView/sasview#246 fixed Ability to plot the distribution functions from polydispersity ajjackson

Milestone: SasView Next Release +1 (8 matches)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
SasView/sasview#1282 duplicate Provide enhanced plugin testing in GUI smk78
SasView/sasview#1164 General documentation for beta(Q) modification of S(Q) richardh richardh
SasView/sasview#1024 fixed Include sasmodels api docs in sasview developer documentation ajj ajj
SasView/sasview#799 fixed Update plugin model documentation and testing smk78 smk78
SasView/sasview#661 What should we do with the (short) model description? butler
SasView/sasview#647 obsolete Review User Documentation butler
SasView/sasview#512 fixed Add documentation for BUMPS usage and integrate rst files to SasView from BUMPS repo pkienzle butler
SasView/sasview#426 Add model for cubic sponge phase none ajj

Milestone: sasmodels 1.0 (3 matches)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
SasView/sasmodels#202 OpenCL driver null when running GPU test wojciech wojciech
SasView/sasmodels#201 Add superball form factor DomiDre DomiDre
SasView/sasview#1028 fixed pearl_necklace - check equation in documentation ajj richardh

SasView 5.0 Developer Tools Links

FOR 5.0 GUI work ONLY:



Agenda (tentative)

Monday March 25th

  • 09:00 Arrival at ESRF/ILL site
  • 09:15 Introduction to the site and computer setup
  • 09:30 Code Camp Plan Discussion
  • 10:10 Split
    • New developer orientation
    • Regulars - start working
  • 12:15 Lunch
  • 13:30 Split
    • Regulars - work
  • 15:30 work
  • 20:00 Dinner

Tuesday March 26th

  • 9:10 Arrival at ESRF/ILL site
  • 9:15 start work
  • 12:00 Lunch
  • 13:00 Work
  • 15:00 Split
    • Work
    • Discussion I: From Roadmap - Next sasmodels enhancements discussion (reparametrize models, other structure factors, scatter 2D modeling, 1D oriented data, etc); New item - computational speeds - benchmarking, exploring integration options, etc
  • 17:30 Work
  • 20:00 Dinner

Wednesday March 27th

  • 9:00 Arrival at ESRF/ILL site - start Work
  • 9:05 Daily issues discussion
  • 9:30 split
    • New developer orientation
    • Work
  • 12:15 Lunch
  • 13:30 Split
    • New developer orientation
    • Work
    • TOF resolution : How to calculate/represent TOF resolution
  • 15:30 Work
  • 20:00 Dinner

Thursday March 28th

  • 09:00 Arrival at ESRF/ILL site
  • 9:15 start work
  • 12:15 Lunch
  • 13:30 Work
  • 20:00 Dinner

Friday March 29th

  • 9:00 Arrival at ESRF/ILL site - start Work
  • 9:15 start work
  • 12:15 Lunch
  • 13:30 **General Discussion**
    • From Roadmap: expanding and engaging a broader community
    • Roadmap assessment and updates
  • 15:30 work
  • 20:00 Dinner

Saturday March 30th

  • 9:00 Arrival at ESRF/ILL site - start Work
  • 9:15 start work
  • 12:45 Lunch
  • 13:00 Work
  • 16:00 Knock off early

Sunday March 31st

  • 9:30 Arrival at ESRF/ILL site - start Work
  • 9:15 start work
  • 12:15 Lunch
  • 13:30 FINAL SPRINT

Participants (current list)

Participant Affiliation Arrival Departure Hotel Notes
Paul Butler NIST 2019-03-23 2019-04-01 Europole booked Arrive Geneva (GVA) Sat morning return from GVA Monday noon. Will return for simSAS but NOT staying for Mantid
Andrew Jackson ESS 2019-03-23 AirBnB booked Staying for Mantid and simSAS
Wojtek Potrzebowski ESS 2019-03-24 2019-03-31 Europole booked coming late on 24th
Piotr Rozyczko ESS 2019-03-24 2019-03-31 Europole booked
Ricardo Ferraz Leal ORNL 2019-03-24 2019-04-08 Airbnb Staying for Mantid. Traveling to Paris then TGV to Grenoble.
Steve King ISIS 2019-03-24 2019-04-05 Europole to Apr 1, then Le Grand Arrive BA358 16:00 LYS. Depart 17:35 Fri 5; staying for Mantid but not simSAS
Richard Heenan ISIS 2019-03-24 2019-03-31 Europole Arrive BA358 16:00 LYS. Depart 17:35 Sun 31
Adam Washington ISIS 2019-03-24 2019-04-05 Europole Arrive BA358 16:00 LYS. Depart 17:35 Sun 31
Tianfu Li CARR 2019-03-24 2019-04-06 Europole booked awaiting VISA
Dongfeng Chen CARR 2019-03-24 2019-04-06 Europole booked awaiting VISA
Yun Liu NIST 2019-03-24 2019-03-28 Europole booked
Miguel A. Gonzalez ILL 2019-03-25 2019-03-31 Local
Ingo Breßler BAM 2019-03-24 2019-03-30 Europole all booked
Dirk Honecker ILL 2019-03-25 2019-03-31 Local
Dominique Dresen U. Cologne 2019-03-27 2019-03-31
Rachel Ford Caltech Europole
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