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Jeff Krzywon edited this page Sep 23, 2024 · 4 revisions
  • Status updates on intern projects?
  • 6.0.0 release
    • Timeline
      • RC1 by end of the week
      • Final release early October (only about 1-2 weeks behind schedule set in June)
    • Outstanding Issues:
      • GSC and Orientation Viewer: Slow to load - Give user indication they are being loaded?
      • Must have:
        • SasView #2975: Copy/Paste Params - Fixed by PR #3079? (Paul)
        • SasView #2972 and #3077: Being addressed in #3088 (Jeff)
        • SasModels PR #592: Bulk Ferromagnets model (Dirk/Paul K)
      • If ready:
        • Sasview #2882: Debye Efficiency (MacOS)
        • SasView #2983: Wayland (James)
        • SasView #3054 and #3055: GSC error handling (Jeff)
    • Versioning: SasData v0.9.0 released (GitHub and PyPi), SasModels 1.0.8 waiting on Bulk Ferromagnets model
    • Contributors List: Finalize after RC is finalized
  • PR Hackathon Proposal (November?)
    • What is it? 1-2 days of working on, reviewing, and (hopefully) merging outstanding PRs
    • Why? We have a number of outstanding PRs that could use a final bit of work/review.
    • When? Are there any particular Good dates/Bad Dates?
    • Jeff to send out Doodle Poll
  • Next Code/Contributor Camp?
  • AOB
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