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Non basic Aggregation Examples

esProcSPL edited this page Aug 13, 2024 · 2 revisions

An aggregate operation summarizes data and returns the result. An aggregation is always preceded by a grouping operation. Common aggregate calculations include sum, max, min, count and logic operations. In this article, you’ll find illustrations of aggregate problems and their simple and efficient solutions with esProc scripts. Looking ${article} for details.

1. SUM aggregate after enumeration grouping

【Example 1】 Based on the GDP table, calculate the GDP per capita for direct-controlled municipalities, first-tier cities and second-tier cities respectively. Below is part of the source table:

ID City GDP Population
1 Shanghai 32679 2418
2 Beijing 30320 2171
3 Shenzhen 24691 1253
4 Guangzhou 23000 1450
5 Chongqing 20363 3372

【SPL script】

1 =connect("db") / Connect to database
2 =A1.query("select * from GDP") / Query GDP table
3 [["Beijing","Shanghai","Tianjin","Chongqing"].pos(?)>0,
/ Enumerate direct-controlled cities, first-tier cities and second-tier cities respectively
4 =A2.enum@r(A3,City) / Group records in GDP table according to the enumerated sequences of cities
5,~.sum(GDP)/~.sum(Population)*10000:CapitaGDP) / Calculate GDP per capita in each group, during which sum() function is used to calculate sum

A5’s result:

Area CapitaGDP
["Beijing","Shanghai","Tianjin","Chongqing"].pos(?)>0 107345.03
["Beijing","Shanghai","Guangzhou","Shenzhen"].pos(?)>0 151796.49
["Chengdu","Hangzhou","Chongqing","Wuhan","Xi’an","Suzhou","Tianjin","Nanjing","Changsha","Zhengzhou","Dongguan","Qingdao","Shenyang","Ningbo","Kunming"].pos(?)>0 106040.57

2. Merge overlapping time intervals

【Example 2】 The following is part of the orders table. We want to merge records of customer ANATR that have overlapping time periods (between order date and finish date).

OrderID Customer SellerId OrderDate FinishDate
10308 ANATR 7 2012/09/18 2012/10/16
10309 ANATR 3 2012/09/19 2012/10/17
10625 ANATR 3 2013/08/08 2013/09/05
10702 ANATR 1 2013/10/13 2013/11/24
10759 ANATR 3 2013/11/28 2013/12/26

【SPL script】

1 =connect("db") / Connect to data source
2 =A1.query("select * from Orders where Customer='ANATR'order by OrderDate") / Get orders records of customer ANATR and sort them by order date
3>max(FinishDate[,-1])) / Group the selected orders records, during which a new group is created when the order date of the current record is later than all previous finish dates
4,~.min(OrderDate):OrderDate,~.max(FinishDate):FinishDate) / For each group, min() function gets the earliest order date and max() function gets the latest finish date, and use them respectively as the new order date and the new finish date

A4’s result:

Customer OrderDate FinishDate
ANATR 2012/09/18 2012/10/17
ANATR 2013/08/08 2013/09/05
ANATR 2013/10/13 2013/11/24
ANATR 2013/11/28 2013/12/29

3. Grouping & conditional COUNT aggregate

【Example 4】 The following is part of the scores table. We want to, for each subject, find the number of students in class one who fail in this subject.

Class one 1 English 84
Class one 1 Math 77
Class one 1 PE 69
Class one 2 English 81
Class one 2 Math 80

【SPL script】

1 =connect("db") / Connect to database
2 =A1.query("select * from Scores where CLASS='Class one'") / Get scores records of students in class one
3 =A2.groups(SUBJECT; count(SCORE< 60):FailCount) / Perform grouping & aggregation, during which count() function calculates the number of students who fail in the subject

A3’s result:

English 2
Math 0
PE 2

4. Perform logical AND on a set of Boolean values

【Example 5】 Based on the following primary school online-learning terminal tables (as shown by pic 2), we want to find if all students use mobile phones to learn. Pic 1 is the directory where the tables for classes of all grades are stored.

1 Rebecca Moore Phone
2 Ashley Wilson Phone,PC,Pad
3 Rachel Johnson Phone,PC,Pad
4 Emily Smith Phone,Pad
5 Ashley Smith Phone,PC
6 Matthew Johnson Phone
7 Alexis Smith Phone,PC
8 Megan Wilson Phone,PC,Pad

【SPL script】

1 =directory@ps("D:/Primary School") / Traverse the target directory recursively to list all files
2 for A1 =file(A2).xlsimport@t() / Import the Excel files of all classes circularly
3 =B2.([TERMINAL,"Phone"].ifn().split@c().pos("Phone") > 0) @
4 =B3.cand() / A.cand() function checks whether B3’s members are all True

A4’s result:


5. Perform logical OR on a set of Boolean values

【Example 6】 The following is part of the sales data. We want to find if there is at least one month in 2014 when customer RATTC’s amount ranks in top 3.

OrderID Customer SellerId OrderDate Amount
10400 EASTC 1 2014/01/01 3063.0
10401 HANAR 1 2014/01/01 3868.6
10402 ERNSH 8 2014/01/02 2713.5
10403 ERNSH 4 2014/01/03 1005.9
10404 MAGAA 2 2014/01/03 1675.0

【SPL script】

1 =connect("db").query("select * from sales") / Connect to the data source to query sales table
2 / Get records of 2014
3 / Group records of 2014 by months
4 =A3.(~.groups(Customer; sum(Amount):Amount)) / Group records in each group by customers and calculate each customer’s total amount
5; Amount):Top3) / Loop through records of each month to get customers whose total amounts rank in top 3
6 =A5.(Top3.(Customer).pos("RATTC")>0) / Among each month’s top 3, check whether customer RATTC is included
7 =A6.cor() / A.cor() function checks if there is a True in A6’s members

A7’s result:


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