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Benjamin Scott edited this page Oct 4, 2021 · 14 revisions

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1828.Games is in production on

General Information
Frequently Asked Questions
Rules Clarifications
Implementation Notes

  • Why is the game called 1828.Games and not 1828?
    • 1828 is available under a Creative Commons license with a rider that any changes made to the game also be accompanied by changing the name. The changes made for the online version are the naming of entities to be more in line with 18xx.Games terminology. For example, 'share companies' in 1828 are called 'corporations' in the online version. Per the license, this necessitated a name change. The game is intended to play the same.

Some nomenclature changes have been made for the platform.

  • Private Companies are called Companies
  • Share Companies are called Corporations

The C&P 2-train route is implemented via a 2-train that does not rust. A corporation that buys C&P does not get the 2-train.

Once the Delware & Hudson private is owned by a corporation, Scranton (F20) will be shown as an available track lay during the corporation's track laying step. To also place a token there, click the city during the corporation's token laying step. Despite this tile being greyed out, the token will be placed there.

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