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General Information
Rules Highlights
Rules Clarifications
Implementation Notes
Known Problems
- Designed by Edwin Eckert
- Rules
- Rule Summary
- Teaching and Reference
- Map
- Tiles
- Market
- BoardGameGeek
- Version 2.0 is the version used at 18xx.games.
- The minors and the privates are sold during an initial draft - the so called starting package. No other shares might be bought until at most one paper remains in the starting package. If starting package remains after SR1, the remaining papers of it will be auctioned of first during SR2.
- Private A-C and top 2 minors are available to purchase at first, in the starting package. When one minor is bought the next one is available to purchase, and so on.
- If a player passes during SR1, the player may not act more during SR1.
- You cannot sell anything during SR1. You cannot sell shares until the corporation has operated.
- Shares can move down at most one step for each sold block of shares.
- When parred shares end up in market. You may never sell shares so that more than 50% is in the market.
- Minors 1-5, start with face value as treasury and no trains. When running they always payout 50% to the owner, and keep 50% in treasury.
- Minors will be merged into specific majors. 1, 3, 5 into AGV. 2, 4 and private C (HdSK) into HGK. The owner gets presidency share, a 20% or a 10% depending on which minor/private.
- Major corporation can pay out full or withhold. If pay out shares in stock market gives nothing to the corporation (bank is keeping the money).
- During phase 4 and phase 5 there are merge rounds between SR/OR and OR/OR where persons owning relevant minors / private will vote if a merge should take place - 50% in favor of merge is required for merge to take place.
- If AGV has not been merged during phase 4, it will automatically merge during the first Merge Round in phase 5. Similar for HGK but one phase later.
- During merge AGV (and HGK) gets all resources (trains, tokens, treasury) from the minors / private, and 400M extra. They are parred at 120M. AGV/HGK decides which, if any, trains to keep - rest are discarded into the market and available for purchase.
- Minor corporations may buy trains from Majors. Minor corporations does not need to own a train. If a Minor does not own any trains the President may assist by paying the missing amount for the purchase of one train with private money - no sell of shares allowed. If President assists such a purchase, and this is a train owned by another corporation, the price may not exceed the printed value.
- Major corporations may not buy trains from Minors. Major corporations must own a train, and the usual emergency (forced) train purchase rules apply.
- Trains are standard - except "8+x" which can visit (and get revenue for) up to 8 cities and red hexes, and an unlimited number of towns.
- Hexes N5 and P5 cannot be built during Yellow phase. When building in N5 the first tile must include pre printed track on north east edge.
- During the Yellow phase no tile may be placed on L5 and S6 so that the track would cross the Rhine.
- Leverkusen is two towns when upgraded to Yellow. But the Green upgrade is to one City (tile #K314)
- EVA can be bought from other players, for any agreed price, during SR and Train Buy phase
Some useful clarifications from BGG 2019.
Also, the train limits have changed from the first version. In version 2.0 the following applies:
- The train limit for minor railways changes from 2 to 1 with the purchase of the first type 5 train.
- The train limit for railway corporations changes from 3 to 2 with the purchase of the first type 5 train.
Variants and optional rules may be selected when creating a game (with references to the rule book, if appropriate).
- Implemented:
- Optional 2-Train: An eight 2-train added. (§21.1)
- Grey Phase: New tiles for Köln. An extra KV259 gray tile. (§21.4)
- Existing Track: E2 and D7 starts with yellow hex. New green/brown tiles for S. (§21.5)
- Not implemented:
- Delayed Exchange in Merger. (§21.2)
- Industrial Areas. (§21.3)
- The FdSD private can be exchanged for 20% (if available) of RAG. It might appear that only one share will be exchanged, but doing the exchange will give 20%.
- The HdSK private has a token at J5. As this will be merged into HGK upon forming, and noone can run through it it is represented as a HGK token from the start. See Häfen der Stadt Köln rule clarification.
- In case everyone passes before all-but-one sold from starting package there will be ORs as usual. The Stock Round that follows is regarded as SR2 - which means they follow the normal SR pass rules as soon as the starting package has been auctioned of.
- If, during an auction, someone is forced to buy, and that player cannot afford it, the forced buy is transferred to the next player. In the unlikely scenario that no-one has cash enough, the first player (the one starting the auction) gets to force buy for whatever cash they have left.
- In case of a presidency change, the exchange of presidency share will use 2 10% shares if possible. That means new president will keep 20% if having 40% or more before exchange.
- EVA cannot be sold during a players turn1. But the active player can buy it at two times during their turn:
- During the SR (is not regarded as an action so the player may pass/buy/sell as usual)
- During the Buy Train phase during the turn of a corporation/minor they control
1At 18xx.games there are no title that has implemented selling of privates to another player so we do not think it is worth the effort. (Adding that as a possible action during Forced Train Purchase would have some merit but the implementation effort is too high for a small gain.) Making it possible to buy EVA at other times during the OR is possible but once more, it is very little gain - during Buy Train phase should be enough.
- Implementation does not support buying/selling EVA at any time - see above.
- Open Issues