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Per Westling edited this page Aug 1, 2020 · 33 revisions

Table of Contents

General Information
Rules Clarifications
Implementation Notes
Known Problems

  • Must South & North Alabama RR have a train to assign the Warrior Coal Field token?
    • Yes. It must actually be able to make a route with one of its trains as well, but that is not enforced. Instead as long as the owner is not blocked it may do the assign. A log text is shown asking the players to verify it, and do undo if the assign is illegal.
  • Is it possible to use NDY during an emergency buy?
    • The intepretation is that it should be possible.
  • See the BoardGameGeek Rules Forum for more information.
  • Is it possible to use NDY during an emergency buy?
    • The intepretation is that it should be possible. But it has not been verified if the implementation support it.
  • I see no chits for Robert E Lee and Pan American trains. How do I activate this bonus for the trains?
    • It is done automatically, so if any route fullfils the requirement to get the bonus, $20 and/or $40 is added to the total revenue.
  • How do I use the Warrior Coal Field token?
    • Instead it appear as an ability for the corporation. To activate this, at any time click on the South & North Alabama RR, and then click on one of the 5 city hexes that are highlighted (which is the 5 cities with a mining symbol). Then selection is done all 5 mining symbols disappear and instead the Warrior Coal Field bonus appear as an ability on the corporation charter.
  • How do I use the New Decatur Yard?
    • During train buy, click on the New Decatur Yard ability in the top part. This will show discounted price on applicable trains in the depot. If you buy for the discounted price New Decatur Yard is closed. If you do not want to buy for discounted price just click on the ability again and the normal price is restored.
  • How do I place the Lumber Terminal?
    • Click on the Brown & Sons Lumber Co ability in the top part, and then lay the tile in one of the highlighted swamp hexes.
  • Is "soft rust" or "hard rust" used?
    • The base rules uses obsoleteness for 4T, so they get to be used once whem 7T is used. In this is called "phase out". This can be seen via the Info tab of an 18AL game. There are optional rules to use "normal" rust instead, but at the moment there are no support for optional rules at
  • Where do the specific 18AL icons come from?
  • It is possible to assign a Warrior Coal Field token even though it might be out of range for a corporation's train.
  • The Warrior Coal Field token bonus is included in any route the visit that hex. But it is not apparent.
  • The Robert E Lee and Pan American bonuses are added to the total revenue that is shown. It is not shown in any other way.
  • Emergency buy using NDY has not been verified if it works.
  • Open Issues
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