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Chris Shaffer edited this page Aug 7, 2020 · 27 revisions

Table of Contents

General Information
Rules Highlights
Rules Clarifications
Implementation Notes
Known Problems

Compare 18TN to another 18xx

Here are some highlights of rules in 18TN:

  • The Illinois Central presidency is a 30% certificate. (§3.2-5)
  • When the 2nd 6 train is bought, all 4 trains become obsolete - phased out. (§
  • Corporations purchase of companies from players (§4.2.6):
    • During OR1 - This purchase is for face value only.
    • During phase 3 and 4 - This purchase is for 50%-150% of face value.
    • At all other times purchase is not allowed.
  • When the 5th 3 train is bought all corporations with trains will get a Civil War token (which appear as an ability on the corporation charter). The next time a corporation with a Civil War token runs trains, the train that gives least revenue is changed to give revenue 0 for that run. After applying that effect the token is removed. (§5.1)
  • The map differ a bit in Memphis, Chattanooga and Nashville compared to the physical game. This is for implementation reasons to make the upgrades work smoothly:
    • Memphis hex works as a normal city hex, but when upgraded from green to brown it is allowed to upgrade to either a normal tile (63) or a P tile (170).
    • Chattanooga hex uses a C label for yellow, and has a green tile with a C. When upgraded to green the label is changed to P as only the P tile is allowed for brown upgrade.
    • Nashville hex uses a N label for yellow, and has a green tile with a N. When upgraded to green the label is changed to P as only the P tile is allowed for brown upgrade.
  • The 3' train is for all purposes a 3 train. It is just to make it possible to have a phase 3½
  • The 6' train is for all purposes a 6 train. It is just to make it possible to have a phase 6½
  • The sell of 30% has the same problems as in 2-player 18Chesapeake
  • Open Issues
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