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Steve edited this page Feb 15, 2022 · 11 revisions

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21Moon is currently in the playtest phase. The game mechanics have been recently reworked and need to be tested. Thus games are likely to be deleted often as changes to the game rules are made. Playtest Feedback Thread (BGG)

  • Fixed round sequence, four sets of 2 ORs, then one final set of 3 ORs.
  • 1830-style private company auction.
  • Corporate Round (CR) occurs after each SR. During this round, a company can issue shares to get to the 50% needed to float. Unfloated companies do not change stock price on issue/sale.
  • Red hexes contain minerals which are randomly distributed when the game starts. Each mineral has a different progression per tile color. The local bases are always worth 30.
  • Corporations have two bases and store their transports separately per base (2 per base). The Space Port (SP) base pays earnings to shareholders. The local base withholds earnings. One transport may be moved to the other base before running them.
  • E-W bonus adds 50 earnings to each off-board area. Additionally, the corporation receives bonus tokens for completing E-W runs that provide a further endgame bonus. Each bonus token adds 50 to the company's stock value at the end of the game. Each company may earn one token from each off-board area (there are only four tokens per area).
  • None
  • Transports are referred to as "Trains" in this implementation.
  • Because you can't trade a given share twice in a stock round, there needs to be a way to keep track of which shares have been traded. In the physical game, this can be done by "tapping" a share (turning it sideways). The implementation also keeps track of exactly which shares have been traded. Unfortunately, it would be very intrusive to the interface to allow a player to choose between traded and untraded shares when buying from or selling to the market. Instead, the implementation will always try to sell a player's traded shares first and buy traded shares last (maximizing the player's possibilities). In addition, shares that have been traded are annotated with a "t" or "T". If all shares held have been traded, "T" is displayed and if at least one has been traded, "t" is displayed.
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